Page 57 of Sweet Collide

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Time to play the part.

His teammates are drinking already, likely well on their way to intoxication. They seem like good guys, but every single one of them knows that every girl in here wants them. The air reeks of arrogance and entitlement.

Sure, they’re good-looking and another level of wealthy, but most women want so much more than that. They want stability. Passion. To feel safe in all aspects. By flaunting their wealth—wearing their expensive, name-brand clothes and fancy watches and consuming top-shelf drinks—they’re attracting the wrong girls who don’t even know it.

Or maybe they do, and they just don’t care?

It’s kind of crazy. Over the last few years, ever since I saw that Aiden had gone pro, I’ve tried to keep far away from all things hockey. I didn’t want any more reminders of him. Now that I’m here, I wish I knew a tad more about the guys. Wouldn’t Aiden’s girlfriend know a little more about hockey and the guys he spends most of his time with?

My heart rattles in my chest as we make our approach.I know that with every interaction, the questions will get more complex. More personal.

It all feels like a test.One I’m going to fail.

I’m trying to fool the world that I’m his girlfriend and not just a woman he’s hired to keep him in check.

It feels like all eyes are on me, and I’m suddenly unsure that I can play this part convincingly.

Aiden must notice my hesitation because he stops walking, and I look at him. His brow is raised as he takes a step toward me so that we’re toe-to-toe.

“You good? Because if you don’t wanna do this, just say so.” The bite in his tone shocks and confuses me. I get that my steps have been reluctant, but I said I was fine, so why the attitude?

Because you’re not fooling anyone, that’s why.

I’m sure everyone within a mile radius can tell you don’t want to be here, present company included.

If I were Aiden, I'd be pissed too.

I blink several times, shift my weight from my left foot to my right, and cross my arms over my chest, mouth flapping open, likely making me look like a guppy caught in a net. I need to respond, but my brain is failing me.

Finally, I take a deep breath. “I’ve had a rough night,” I say, glancing around, hating that people are now staring at us.

Can this get any worse?

Date number two and I’m already causing a scene. Some help you are. At this rate, I’ll be fired within the hour.

“So…you wanna leave?”There’s that bite again. He’s definitely annoyed with me.

My face contorts, and my cheeks heat. If I keep up this behavior, we’re going to get into a fight, as is people are starting to notice that we’ve stopped moving. I can only imagine what this looks like to the outside world since my body language screams defensive. Shit. I’m going to blow this sham of a relationship up. I’m about to answer, probably making this moment even worse for us, when he swoops down and pulls me into his chest, getting so close to me, I feel his breath skim across my nose. I glare up at him, and he smirks.


He leans into my ear for only me to hear his next words.

“Congratulations, Cassidy. We’ve had our first public fight. We’re officially official to everyone in this room.”

I pull away, eyes narrowed in on him. “What?”

“We’ve had a relationship in secret for some time. Arguments occur. We just happened to have one tonight, brought on by the stress of that asshole reporter.” He glances around. “Every guy here hates the press more than the next. They’ll sympathize and won’t want to upset you by prying or poking at you.” He bends down and places a chaste kiss on my cheek. “You’re welcome.”

I’m speechless.

That was…all an act? To save me from interrogation? The fact that he could read me so well…that he knew why I was struggling, just goes to show that he sees way too damn much.

I can’t do this. Before the night’s out, that little faux argument is likely going to be on social media. People were gawking at us. Thrilled to find that Aiden Slate is open to dating.

I could see it in their eyes. Hunger.

They were probably giddy at the prospect that we’re already fighting.
