Page 95 of Sweet Collide

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“You know what… drop to your knees and put your stick over your head.”

“No way. I won’t do that.”

“You will,” Hudson says, coming to my side. “Or I’ll go with Cassidy to report you.”

“Like you’re one to talk, Wilde. You’re the biggest player on the team.” He shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest. “Plus, I didn’t do anything.”

“That’s not what I’m hearing. Now do as you’ve been told by your superior and drop and raise your stick.”

The asshole finally complies, and the rest of us get back to drills. An hour later, Billy is still on his knees, arms shaking. I skate over to him.

“Done being an idiot? Ready to apologize?”

He nods.

“Words, Billy.”


“Everyone’s dismissed,” Coach barks out, stalking off the ice.

Hudson slides up next to me. “Do I even want to know what all that was about?”

“You’re just now asking me? Hours later?”

“I would’ve gone with whatever you said, and I wasn’t gonna question you in front of him.” He pulls off his helmet. “Color me curious.”

“I don’t like his attitude. And I don’t like how he talks to Cassidy.”

Hudson lifts a brow. “What did he do?”

“He’s made some very sexual comments. Things that made her extremely uncomfortable. He’s lucky I didn’t kick his ass.”

Hudson whistles. “I would’ve just kicked his ass and got it over with.”

“Humiliation sounded more fun.”

He chuckles. “You really like this girl?”

There are only a few guys on the team that I hate to lie to, and Hudson is one of them, but there are just some things he can’t know. My relationship with Cassidy being one of them.

“Yeah. I do.” It’s all I offer, and he doesn’t press.

“Do you think he’s going to apologize?”

“I don’t care what the fuck he does, as long as he stays the hell away from her and doesn’t make another comment to her. I don’t want him to even look at her.”

“I think something’s up with him,” he says offhandedly, and I turn to him, curious.

“What do you mean? Color me curious,” I say, smirking as I repeat his words.

He grins. “I don’t know. He’s just been abnormally shifty as of late. He’s up to something, and I wanna know what it is.”

“Yeah, I got the same impression.”

He’s definitely up to no good, and I have a feeling it’s centered around jealousy. The douche wants nothing more than to be the center of the media. The team’s top dog.

He’s far from it.
