Page 132 of Florian's Bride

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Arson must have tattled on me! And that’s why Santiago backed off. They all expected something like this to happen, and to think I was worried over nothing.

The only thing that scares me about this is the fact that Florian’s actions complicate our families’ relationship even further. My father won’t forgive this offense. I couldn’t utter his name in our house without his face darkening.

And apparently, my opinion didn’t matter in my household as they went for each other’s throats and ignored common sense.

“To win a war, you don’t need the quantity. You need quality.” Florian cocks his head to the side. “And leverage.” He grins. “Like finding a certain woman named Eleanor and bringing her to Chicago. Against her will.”

Maxwell tenses, all amusement vanishing from his eyes, and my gaze shoots between them two, watching in fascination as a rather ruthless expression crosses my fake fiancé’s features.

So all this was about a woman?

“If you did something to her—”

Florian clicks his tongue. “You’re not calling the shots anymore, Maxwell. Choose what’s more important. Your woman or your desire to win this.” He looks at me. “Come here, Jimena.”

I step toward him, but then Santiago grabs my hand, stilling my movements. “Don’t you dare, Jimena.”

I’m standing between two men who mean the world to me, and whatever choice I make will hurt the other.

Although this was always the inevitable outcome of my forbidden love.

That’s how it works.

Someone always gets hurt.

This time, though, I refuse to think about anyone else.

I deserve to make a choice that makes me happy and hope for the best rather than play the martyr and suffer.

Before I can do anything though, my brother warns me, “You take one single step, and I’m going to shoot him.” The minute he says it, a hissing sound echoes through the air, making everyone frown as Florian picks me up in his arms and spins me around just as the fog surrounds the place.

Someone fires several bullets as people hastily try to run away from the fake smoke, but Florian navigates through the church toward the back door so swiftly, I don’t even inhale any of it.

“What are you doing, Florian?”

“Kidnapping you, princess.”

Oh my God.

I have no idea where he’s taking me, but I hope it’s far away.

Because this time around, my brother will really kill him.

I guess I’m finally living up to my namesake.


Your son just kidnapped my daughter.

Good for him.

That’s all you have to say?

Compared to some people, I love my godchildren, and Jimena looked miserable in all the engagement photos. So yeah. Good for my son. I raised him right. In my dynasty of whores and all.

We can press charges against him.

Wouldn’t be surprised if you did. After all, what else should I expect from a man who punched my kid? Nothing less.

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