Page 133 of Florian's Bride

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I haven’t punched him. I just raised my hand. Stop acting so dramatic about it.

The intent was there and the only reason you didn’t act on it was because I stopped you.

My godson got my daughter pregnant. Of all the men in the world, I trusted him around her the most. How did you expect me to react? Pat him on the shoulder?

In many ways that didn’t include wanting to punch my kid.

Your kid is thirty-one years old, man. If it was the other way around?

Great question, actually. Imagine if it was the other way around. And I would have raised my hand on your precious son. How would you feel, Lucian?

You don’t have to answer. We both know you’d protect your kid because he did nothing wrong. When two adults have a consensual relationship, no one deserves any punches.

If you had a daughter, you’d understand.

Sincerely, Lucian. Go fuck yourself with that attitude.

Likewise, Jacob.

Five minutes later

In a few months, we’ll have a grandkid.

I’m aware.

Do you think your son will marry my daughter before that?

You’d have to ask him. I don’t make decisions for my kids. They are adults. I know it’s a hard concept to grasp for you.

Ah, I see. If he doesn’t marry her, the kid’s surname will be Cortez. Can’t say I mind.

Like fuck it will be. He’s going to be a Price.

My surname is no less powerful.

And I’m sure Santiago’s kids will appreciate that someday.

Are you implying my daughter is less important than my son?

Are you implying my grandchild has no right to his family’s legacy?

I can’t believe we’ve been friends for more than fifty years. You’re a stubborn asshole, Jacob.

Likewise, Lucian.

Ten minutes later

I think you both forgot this is a group chat, and all these messages are deeply disturbing to read.

You find everything we do deeply disturbing, so your opinion doesn’t count for much.

Hate to agree with the asshole here, but he’s right.

Call me an asshole again, and you won’t like it.

Please stop acting like children. Your kids are in love with each other and are expecting a baby. Isn’t this a great time to mend all the fences and be happy for them? I’m very happy for them. Love should be celebrated.

For once in my life, I agree with the priest.
