Page 136 of Bet Me Something

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An immense satisfaction settled over me as I watched them leave, knowing that I’d not only gotten the last word, but I’d also finally stood up for myself without hesitation. Evil had officially been defeated.

“That was impressive, although I was kind of hoping you’d punch her face.” Brian chuckled, giving me a hug.

Sasha smiled. “It’s terrible to say, but I kind of did, too.”

* * *

“Anyoneelse you want to take on, Kenzie?” Brian grinned as I sat with him, Sasha, and Mark at a bar later that evening.

“No one comes to mind at the moment, but I kind of feel like I’m on a roll this week in overcoming challenges.”

“I could put you on some investor calls with Josh. You can be his muscle.” This was from Mark, who’d flown in this afternoon. He was normally overly reserved, in his lawyerly way, so the quip was even funnier coming from him.

Feeling my phone buzz, I excused myself from the table for a minute only to return with good news. “Guess what? I got the backup singer job if I want it. They have a big summer tour across the US beginning in May of next year.”

There were hugs all around, but before anyone could ask questions, we saw three familiar faces walk in. I tried to control my heartbeat when I realized one of them was Colby.

Smiling at each of them, I hugged Haylee and then Josh, before awkwardly doing a hug-like-I-hadn’t-been-naked-with-him-last-night thing with Colby while very aware that everyone was watching us. I hadn’t seen him since leaving this morning, nor had I followed up to his text, but the sight of him triggered a longing of epic proportions. I needed another drink. Pronto.

Colby’s gaze stayed locked on mine while he took a seat directly across from me. We ordered another round, and I tried unsuccessfully not to think about last night. The intensity in his eyes, however, made it obvious that it wasn’t far from his thoughts, either.

“I heard we missed quite the morning at the hospital,” Josh opened up, having obviously spoken with my brother about it.

Everyone chuckled with the exception of Colby, who appeared to be the only one in the dark. “What happened?”

It was my brother who, in animated fashion, retold the story, omitting the part regarding Rebecca's previous comments about Haylee else Josh would go ballistic. He had everyone laughing.

Josh toasted me. “To Kenzie for ensuring it won’t be me making the scene tomorrow if Rebecca steps out of line. Might be kind of fun to make you the official baptism bouncer.”

We all smiled at the image while Colby’s face gave away nothing.

“So you didn’t say: who’s the backup singing gig for?” Sasha prodded.

Colby interrupted. “You got the job?”

I nodded. “The call came in right before you arrived. The band is called Misfit Toys, local guys out of Los Angeles, but I don’t think I’m supposed to make that common knowledge, so keep it on the down-low. I didn’t even meet them at the audition, but hopefully they’re cool.”

Haylee’s eyes lit up. “I’ve seen them. They played on campus my sophomore year, actually. The lead singer is gorgeous. Not that I’m normally one for tattoos and piercings, but they look good on him.”

I took out my phone and googled them. Huh, the lead singer was hot.

Sasha looked over and commented. “The pierced tongue is interesting.”

Haylee quirked a brow and asked, “Wonder what that would be like?” causing Josh to swallow his drink down the wrong pipe and cough.

“Really?” he teased, clearly amused and shocked by his wife’s question.

She gave a little shrug before kissing him playfully. “Nah, I’m pretty happy with yours.” Realizing what she’d just said, she turned bright red as the entire table erupted in laughter.

“So when will you need to start rehearsing?” Brian inquired.

“Next April before the tour starts. In the meantime the manager will send me some digital tracks so I can get to know their songs.”

“I still can’t believe you’re leaving for Bali tomorrow night. Did you find a roommate for when you get back?” Sasha queried.

What were they doing, trying to see if Colby would show interest? “Not yet, but I’m probably staying in that house with my friends until I find one.” Like I’d told Brian when he’d visited me only a few days ago.

“Yeah probably best since you don’t know if you’ll be gone three weeks or more. Are you still thinking about moving to San Diego?” The twinkle in Brian’s eye let me know that he and Sasha had a definite agenda with their questioning.
