Page 137 of Bet Me Something

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“I’m not sure. Enough of the twenty questions for me—”

“What the hell is going on with you?” Colby blurted out, surprising not only me, but also the entire table with his outburst.

Josh cast him a pointed look, but his brother wasn’t paying attention. He only had eyes for me.

“With me?” I asked, feeling my temper rise because of his tone.

“Yes, you. In the last week—what? You’ve moved out of your apartment, had this big confrontation with Rebecca, may be looking for a roommate in San Diego, touring with some band that you’ve never even met before, and tomorrow night you’re leaving on some trip across the world? What the fuck is that all about, Kenz?”

“What’s going on with me is I’m moving forward with my life, taking chances. I’m no longer satisfied with being afraid and allowing other people’s opinions to dictate my life.”

“Insinuating that I am.” His jaw clenched with irritation.

I shrugged, getting my point across, but not willing to continue this fight in front of others. “I’m not having this conversation right now.”

“Why not? You said you were no longer afraid.”

Josh looked like he was torn about whether to intercede, but I held up my hand to keep him from doing so.

Standing up, I watched as Colby did the same. “You want to discuss this now? Fine. Unlike some people, I finally have the—the—testicular fortitude to stand up for what I want and be unapologetic about my decisions.”

Josh and Brian about spit out their drinks. “Testicular what?” Brian interjected.

“Testicular fortitude. I got creative because Colby hates when girls say the word b-a-l-l-s.”

Colby’s lips twitched, and before I knew it, we were both grinning at one another across the table like idiots. He raised his glass in a salute. “Good one.”

I tipped my head in acknowledgement.

“Brian?” Colby addressed my brother without his eyes leaving mine.

“Yeah, man?”

“I’m completely and undeniably in love with your sister.”

All the air in my lungs left me. I stood there staring at him, completely in shock.

You could’ve heard a pin drop as he continued. “And I understand, given my past, why you’d have a problem with that, but it’s not going to change the way I feel about her. I should have manned up weeks ago. All I can do now is demonstrate through my actions and, hopefully with her happiness, how much I mean it. In other words, I’m not waiting for your blessing, but considering how we both feel about you, it would mean a lot if you gave it.” He finally broke eye contact with me, focusing on Brian and awaiting his response.

My brother smiled before getting up and doing the guy ritual of slapping one another on their backs. “You have it.” Even Josh and Mark were all smiles. Only Haylee and Sasha appeared to clue into my lack of reaction—and my clenched fists.

Even though I’d challenged him to take this step, watching him celebrate as if we’d already decided to get back together after he’d broken my heart made me want to scream in frustration. What did he expect? That I’d smile as if nothing had ever happened and hope for the best the next time he freaked out? Or ignore that he’d accused me of making decisions for my future solely based on him?

“Hate to interrupt this bro-love fest you have going on, but aren’t you forgetting something important?”

Colby looked stunned, as did the rest of the guys. “Like what?”

Jesus. Were all men this clueless? “Like the fact that I might not feel the same way any longer.”

His face paled. “If you didn’t, then how do you explain last night?” He winced with the realization he’d inadvertently outed us in front of my brother. “Sorry, Brian.”

Words flew out of my mouth without my thinking about them. “It was just sex, Colby.” I cringed at the look on my brother’s face and mumbled, “Shit. Sorry, Brian.”

“Maybe you two should take this somewhere more private,” Josh suggested, barely containing a smile.

“Good idea,” Colby said and then, to my utter shock, he came around the table, snaked my wrist, and heaved me up over his shoulder caveman style.

“Oh, my God, put me down. What are you doing?” Thank goodness I was wearing shorts instead of a skirt.
