Page 119 of Irresistible Darkness

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Panic replaces the shock on Jace’s features.

And dread replaces the shock clanging through my own soul.

“Jace Hunter,” my father growls. “I hired you to protect my daughter. And instead, you… you…” His face is red and his voice is shaking with anger as he stares at Jace as if he wants to murder him. “I’m going to fucking kill you.”

Then he lunges for a kitchen knife.



He didn’t kill me. But I wish he had. Because now, I have not only lost my only chance to choose my own future, I have also lost Kayla.

By the time I had managed to put Kayla down, pull my pants back up, and secure the knife that Trent Ashford tried to bury in my heart, his bodyguards had shown up and leveled two guns at me. I wasn’t shot. But I was fired and escorted out of the building.

I tried to call and text Kayla afterwards, but she never replied. Probably because she is dealing with the fallout from this whole mess. Or maybe she hates me now. Because what I do know is that Kayla now has a new bodyguard who has been given orders to shoot me on sight if I ever come within six feet of her.

The small scrap of freedom she managed to carve out is now gone.

And so is mine. In fact, Dad almost killed me for messing up his business relationship with Trent Ashford.

So now I’m back at Blackwater University. With no freedom. No Kayla. And no one to blame but myself.

I slam my fist into my opponent’s stomach.

He crumples to the ground.

I know that the basement around me is full of people, full of guys who usually show up for our underground fight club, but I can’t see them. Can’t hear them. All I can hear is the sound of my mind cracking and all I can see is Kayla’s panicked face as I was marched out the door at gunpoint.

Dropping down, I straddle my opponent and raise my fist. Then I slam it into the side of his jaw.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why did Trent Ashford have to pick that fucking day to visit? And why were we so fucking careless? We could’ve waited until the semester was over. Then I could’ve quit my job as her bodyguard and then we could’ve started dating. I could’ve had both Kayla and my future.

But now I have neither.

I have nothing.

Without her, everything is meaningless anyway.

I slam my fist down. Again. And again.

“I yield. Please, Hunter. I yield. Hunter. Please. I’m begging you.”

It takes another few seconds for the words to register. For me to realize where they’re coming from. Who they’re coming from.

My head is whirling like a tornado.

I blink repeatedly before my eyes fix on the guy lying underneath me.

Blood trickles down from his nose and lip. Panic and fear flash in his eyes. One hand is raised, palm up, in a show of surrender. The other is frantically tapping the floor beside his body. Tapping.

I stare at that hand.


Tapping out.

Oh fuck. How long has he been trying to surrender? I didn’t even hear him.
