Page 23 of Jabarri

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“You know, Skai,” he says moving slowly toward me like I am a skittish horse. “You have been going out of your way to avoid me touching you.” He continues advancing on me until his front is pressed against my front. Even though I did not want him touching me, I am no punk or coward. There is no way I was going to run from him.

“You’re touching me now, Ja bar ri,” I say, purposely emphasizing the syllables in his name. “I’m not running,” I tell him, craning my neck to look up at him. In all the time we were together, we have kept everything pretty PG, simply due to my hang-ups, but I got a feeling tonight is going to change that. Am I nervous? Yes. Am I comfortable with men? No, not sexually. If he touches me, will I stop him? No. Out of all the men on this planet, I crave him, I want to feel him feel me, every part of me.

But I am supposed to stand firm for all the bull shit he put me through with his stupidity, right? Yes, damn it, Skai, the answer is yes, but… shit, fuck it. And that is the last coherent thought I had before I feel his hand on my face seconds before his lips touch mine lightly, exploring, asking permission, and just like I thought, my willpower exits stage left. My hands burrow in his hair, as I open my mouth to his gentle assault, that turns almost frantic. We groan at the same time, the kiss becomes more intense. I grab handfuls of his hair pulling and he returns the favor by grabbing a handful of my ass and squeezing. The next thing I know I am in the air, my legs wrapped around his waist and the wall at my back. Somewhere in the background I wait for the panic to set in, but all I feel is him. I undulate my hips rubbing my legging covered pussy against the bulge in his pants chasing the orgasm that is barreling down on me. In my relationship with Alayna, I was the aggressive one, the one who controlled what happened in the bedroom, and Jabarri is going to have to accept that he can’t control me in or out of the bedroom.

“That’s cute, Skai,” he tells me once he releases my mouth.

“Hush, you’re breaking my concentration,” I tell him, doubling my effort to cum. “What wait! No! Jabarri, why would you do that!” I am practically screaming from the loss of him and the orgasm that I was seconds away from.

“You need to learn something, Skai,”

“Now? I need to learn it right now? Are you crazy? Save this shit for later, preferably after I cum. Do you know how long it’s been?”

“Yeah, since you were born, because regardless of what you thought of sex before me, trust me I am going to redefine it for you. And you’re not about to use me like a human vibrator to get off on, I control what happens in the bedroom, Skai, not you.”

“Pfft,” I reply.

“Challenge accepted.”

“What?” I ask, and he is setting me on my feet. As soon as my feet touch the floor, he moves back just enough to spin me to face the wall, his chest pressing against my back, and pressing me against the wall.

“Who are you with, Skai?”


“What’s. My. Name?”

My God, was being with an aggressively dominating man on my bingo card this year? No, it was not, but, damn, I’m glad it is now.


“Damn right! You remember that. Remember that I will always protect you and I will never hurt you. You. Are. Mine! And I will kill anyone and anything that threatens that or you, I will. Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” comes out on a choked breath when I feel his hand push past the band of my leggings and touch my soaked lips.

“Fuck you are wet, baby. Is this all for me?” he asks, and I can’t put two words together to come up with any kind of response, so I simply answer with a shake of my head. “Use your words, Nöku Ahi.”

“Your fire? Yes, it’s all for you, Taku Rangimarie,” his finger separates my lips to find and rub my clit. Immediately, my legs give out, his other arm bands around me to hold me in place as he continues to manipulate my body and give me the pleasure I need. “Hands on the wall,” he growls in my ear. I want to hear you enjoy this, Skai. I want your cries to fill my ears as my fingers fill your tight channel. Can you do that for me, baby? I like words of affirmation so I know I am doing a good job. Harder, Jabarri. More, Jabarri. Yes, Jabarri. I’m cumming, Jabarri, and my personal favorite, I love you, Jabarri.”

Damn, the man is killing me. I am hanging on by a thread. I am literally fighting back from cumming just out of spite. I am such a fucking brat.

“Oh, you’re fighting it,” he says, biting my collarbone before I feel his finger slide inside me with precision and my muscles clamp down immediately on the digit. The heel of his hand is pressed against my nubbin as he begins pumping his finger in and out of me. He pulls the finger out and replaces it with two, then three, while consistently manipulating my clit. When I cum, I am going to black out.

“Give it to me, Skai. Let your body go. I got you. Let me hear the pleasure I’m giving you. I love the feel of you, inside and out, just for me. Only for me. I can’t wait to fuck you properly, to push inside of you, and feel your heat wrapped around my dick. I waited so many years for you, and the first time I fuck you is going to feel like perfection. Damn, I’ve missed you. I love you so fucking much, now stop being stubborn and cum.”

I turn my face to rest my cheek on the wall to try to get a look at him and let go of the tight hold I had on my body. “Aaahhhhh!” I scream as I orgasm, making my mind shut down. I turn my face to see him, and all I see is white light and hear roaring in my ears. After a long few seconds, I hear his voice filter through the noise. “I got you, baby. I love you. Fuck, you’re beautiful,” and then nothing.



My arm is stiff as hell from holding it in the same position, but it’s a small price to pay to hold a naked Skai in my arms all night. After the hallway incident, I carried her to her bedroom and laid her on her bed before going to the bathroom to wet a washcloth to clean her up. She ruined her leggings and panties when she squirted. I peeled the wet clothing from her body, threw them in the wash, cleaned her up, stripped, and joined her in bed. Even in her sleep, she got as close to me as humanly possible, and I was more than happy to hold her close to me as we both fell asleep. I really wasn’t expecting what happened. I really came to just talk, but when I saw how much she was avoiding me touching her, I knew I had to do just that. And I don’t regret it for a single millisecond. I feel the change as soon as it happens. “Good morning,” I say, kissing her forehead.

“How did you know I was awake?” she asks into my side, her eyes still closed.

“Your breathing changed,” I answer honestly. “Are you ready to talk this morning?”

“I guess,” she says, and I can feel her body stiffen.
