Page 24 of Jabarri

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“Relax, Skai, it’s just me and you here. Let’s talk this out, okay?”

“Okay,” she says, and I feel her relax a fraction.

“I talked to Natalie and explained to her that I can no longer do things the way we were doing them. That you are my priority, and I would still be there for her but not at the expense of you. She is planning on telling her parents and we’ve already picked out a house for her to move to. I need you to be okay with things, Skai. I won’t be away from you again.”

“I never wanted or expected you to not be her friend or help her, Barbie. I had a problem with her calling on you all hours of the night, and you would get up out of my bed and go running. It was other things, too, but the fact that you consistently put her first was a problem for me. I didn’t feel it was fair because it was never the other way; you never put me before her. Hell, I would’ve felt better if we were at least equal, but I didn’t even feel that,” she says, and I feel ashamed because as much as I didn’t want to admit it before, she was right.

“I am sorry, Skai, I won’t ever do that again if you plan on keeping me in your life,”

“Um, didn’t you say last night that I was yours?”

“I did,”

“Well, okay then,”

“Then let’s go talk to your mom and my brother,”

“Uh, pump your breaks on that one. First, we have to get Natalie settled, and we have to find our footing again before dealing with the fall out of my mom and your brother. DJ ain’t wrapped all that tight,” she says, and she has all valid points.

“Well, let me tell her to get a damn move on so we can just focus on us,”

“This is going to change everything for her. How does she think her brother is going to take it?” she asks, and I tell her everything that happened between Natalie and her brother.

“Well damn, he’s been planning his exit plan all this time,”

“He has, and as soon as his passport comes, he is out of here,” I tell her when my phone chirps. I manage to reach my phone without having to move away from Skai.

“Is that her?”

“Yeah, she basically telling me she is telling her parents tonight at dinner,”

“Oh damn, does she want you there,”

“No, she said this is something she needs to handle on her own,”

“Wow. I still feel like you shouldn’t make any plans so you can be ready to go help her if she needs you,” she says, and I realize even more that she didn’t have a problem with my relationship with Natalie. She had a problem with what that friendship was causing problems with us. “Maybe I will. Now, enough about Natalie, what do you want to do today?”

“Can we just stay in bed all day?”

“Oh, for sure,” I tell her because I can’t think of many better ways to spend the day. We ordered in food, barely got out of the bed, watched TV and talked the entire day away. The sun began to set, and as soon as the sun set, his phone began blowing up with notification chirps.

“Shit, she told them,” I say, relaying to Skai what is going on in my messages.

“Damn, her father damn near choked on his steak,”

“Her mother broke out in hysterical crying.” I am reading the messages as fast I can, but the amount coming in has me behind.

“Wow, her mother asked her to simply stop being attracted to women.”

“Her father said she was going to hell,”

“Her mother said that her mother’s neighbor's granddaughter had the lesbian, and she just stopped being that way one day,”

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Oh, here we go. She told her parents there is no changing who she is and that Scottlyn is her romantic partner for platonic friend, and her father said she is dead to him,”

“Uh oh she sent a voice note this time,” I tell her, put the phone on speaker and press play.

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