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He smiled at her, glad that she felt such a way after only such a small decision. “Not at all, Lady Callander.”

She rose. “I shall write to him at once,” she said, hurrying towards the door as though every second was of great importance. “And thereafter, I shall write to you also. I thank you again, Lord Millerton.”

“But of course.” He made to go to her, to take her hand, to bow over her fingers and feel her hand in his, but then the moment passed much too quickly and she was gone. Heaving a great sigh — a mixture of regret and contentment, Sebastian sat back down in his chair and allowed himself to consider all that she had said again. Was there anything to Lord Hazelton’s remarks? Or was he simply becoming mixed up with another gentleman? Either way, Sebastian had to admit that he was rather curious as to what would be said when they met with him.

Chapter Five

The response to her note agreeing to meet Lord Hazelton whenever it next suited him had been met with a flurry of responses — albeit the following morning. Lord Hazelton had sent one note, and then another, and then, finally, a third, with each detailing a different time and place that they were to meet. She had written to Lord Millerton almost at once, begging him to come to call upon her at his earliest convenience.

Bridgette was greatly confused at her notes from Lord Hazelton, wondering why the gentleman had sent her three notes, each with a different time and place for their meeting. Spreading them out before her on her writing desk, she sat with her quill poised, trying to think of what she ought to write back to him in return. Was she to ask him to clarify? She was not certain she would have time to receive a response from him, given that the second note had stated that they would meet at two o’clock precisely at St James’ Park and that it was already almost midday.

“My lady?”

She looked across to see her butler standing in the doorway.

“Lord Millerton has arrived, my lady.”

“Oh!” She set down her quill and rose quickly. “Send him in at once, if you please.”

The butler nodded and withdrew and within only a few seconds, Lord Millerton walked into the room, his eyes lingering on her for a moment before he bowed.

“I thank you for coming, Lord Millerton,” she said, hastily coming towards him. “I have received not one but three notes from Lord Hazelton, and each of these notes state a different time and place that we are to meet!”

Lord Millerton frowned. “What do you mean?”

She gestured towards her desk. “I received these three notes within a short space of time earlier this morning,” she said, as he walked towards them. “They all have a different time and place for us to meet, with the second note being only two hours away!” Frowning, she rubbed at her forehead. “If I write to him to ask for clarification, then I cannot be certain that I will receive a response by the time two o’clock comes.”

Bridgette watched Lord Millerton anxiously, wondering what he would say in response. He read each note, his brow furrowed, his lips pressed hard together.

“How very odd,” he said, slowly, turning his head to look at her. “And you have not written to him as yet?”

She shook her head. “I was not certain what to do.”

He twisted his lips. “Mayhap we ought to call upon him,” he said, slowly. “I cannot be certain that —”

A scratch at the door interrupted him and Bridgette turned at once towards it, calling the butler to enter.

“Pardon the interruption, my lady,” he said, inclining his head, “but a boy came to the door and asked me to give you a message.”

Bridgette’s eyes flared in surprise. “A message?” she repeated, sensing Lord Millerton coming to stand beside her. “What was it?”

The butler cleared his throat, looking a trifle uneasy. “I do not quite understand it, my lady, but the boy said the words ‘the second’.” He looked at her, as Bridgette frowned. “That is all that was said.”

“I see,” Bridgette murmured, her mind quickly turning back to the notes. “Thank you. You may go.”

The butler inclined his head again, a flash of relief in his eyes as he turned away. The moment the door closed, Bridgette turned to Lord Millerton, a sense of excitement in her heart. “The second note, Lord Millerton!”

Lord Millerton hesitated, then nodded, his expression brightening. “Then you are to meet him at St James’ Park at two o’clock,” he said, striding back towards the notes. “But what is his reason for writing three notes, each with a different time and place?” He picked them up, one after the other, his eyes flicking from one to the other. “It does concern me, I will admit.”

“Because you fear that there is some sort of danger surrounding what Lord Hazelton wishes to tell me?” she asked, as Lord Millerton nodded. “He fears that mayhap someone will come to where we meet?”

Lord Millerton nodded. “That is my consideration, yes,” he replied, with a grave look in her direction. “We must be on our guard, Lady Callander. There might be more here than we are aware of at present.”

St James’ Park was not particularly busy, given the time of day. Most of the beau monde would be making calls, before preparation for the fashionable hour. The day was very lovely indeed, with a warm sun but a few white clouds that took some of the heat from it. Bridgette walked beside Lord Millerton, her parasol held over her bonnet to ensure that she did not allow the sun to fall onto her face. Her heart was pounding as she looked left and right, trying to find any sign of Lord Hazelton.

“Did he say specifically where you were to meet him in the park?” Lord Millerton asked. “I am aware what the note stated, but there was not another that came thereafter?”

“No,” she answered, coming to a sudden stop, one hand reaching out to press Lord Millerton’s hand. “Wait, is that not a gentleman sitting there, a little ahead of us?”
