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Death would come on his fiery metal stallion and reap my sinful soul.

Choking on the knowledge, I lifted my hand high enough to flip off the useless moon and the hell rider that would steal my last breath.

Fuck you!

I wasn’t going to die that easily . . .


“You’re sure?” I asked for the second time, clarifying the information Rael had just given. “You’ve got be sure.”

“Fuck,” he cursed, “You think I would bother you with this shit if I wasn’t?”

“No,” I exhaled on a grunt, scrubbing a hand down my face. “Does Grim know?”

“Yeah. Called him first.”

Right. Then it was legit.

All my worrying since Christmas, the nagging feeling to watch my back, and the uneasy sensation in my gut that just wouldn’t go away – it all had a reason.

A reason I’d been hoping to avoid.

“Bodie?” Rael’s voice was gruff, but I could still hear the underlying concern in his tone.

“I’m here.”

“You’re not sayin’ a damn thing.”

He was right. I wasn’t the type of guy to keep my opinions to myself when shit was about to go down but that had changed the moment my heart decided to jump on the same page as my dick.


Sasha Pratt blew into my life like a wild, out of control brushfire – hot, steamy, unpredictable – and I was powerless to resist her.

I tried to convince myself it was the fact that she was the ghost of the dead woman I had loved, but the truth was Sasha was nothing like Suraya. Sure, the identical twins were both beautiful with long, black hair, legs that stretched for miles up to an ass that was made for my hands to grasp, and electric green eyes that saw deep into my soul.

But Sasha was different.

My dick jumped to attention at the mere thought of her. She brought out a wild, carnal, fiercely protective side I’d never felt with any other woman.

Even her sister.

Truth was, it was fucked-up.

Falling for my ol’ lady’s twin wasn’t what I pictured for my future after Suraya died but that’s just what happened. Maybe I was tired of living with a ghost. My head hadn’t been right since all that shit went down with Acid and the Scorpions. Sure, I got my revenge on those assholes but all it did was kick up a hornet’s nest of bullshit and more drama.

Razr was out for blood now and he was waiting for the perfect time to exact his vengeance. Not a brother in the club doubted that fact. Second, el maestro’s cousin Jorge Vasquez had gotten the news about Hector’s death. The two had been as close as brothers. It was a mistake not to have hunted him down first but Grim didn’t want to stir the pot any more than had already been done.

Now Jorge was in town. He didn’t use his real name. Much like Hector, he chose to let his road name speak for his ruthless nature – Chamuco. The word translated into ‘devil’. He never left loose ends. My girl was a loose end.

Sasha was in danger. Again.

When she was kidnapped by Acid right before Christmas, I fuckin’ lost it. Only unleashing my Reaper had brought any satisfaction but not for long. My skin began to itch with the need to protect what was mine and my lip curled up in a snarl, the dark energy of my Reaper hovering close enough to burst free at any moment.

I didn’t like this. Not one bit.
