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I guess they have a point. Eggs isn’t the type to sit around and talk about the wedding all night. It’s nice to just have the girls sometimes.

Well, the girls and Liam.

We all sit around the table, and Becky launches into it.

Weddings are a reflection of the couple, so ours is understated and practical.

That being said, I’ve still let Becky have some fun with it.

“It’s going to begorgeous,” Becky says. “I’ve goteverythinghandled. Even the weather is going to be perfect! Best little beach wedding ever. Like, totally.”

I smile at her. She really gets going once she’s in her zone.

Truthfully, though, I’m more excited about the honeymoon.

I know that a working honeymoon isn’t for everyone, but I can’t wait. Studying the migration patterns of hammerheads with Eggs? Paradise.

Who could ask for more?

We pass around appetizers as we talk.

Flowers, music, food—Becky’s got it all worked out.

I’m glad she’s got the reins on this one. Honestly, I can’t see myself focusing long enough to put it all together.

“So that’s that!” she finishes, displaying a huge smile as she looks around at the group. “Sound good?”

“Sounds great, Becks.” I was definitely zoning out for a big chunk of it, but I’m sure it’s wonderful. I trust her way more with this than I’d trust myself.

“So now we just need to decide what we’re doing tonight,” Mysti chimes in.


“Mhhm.” she says, mischievously waggling her eyebrows.

I know that eyebrow waggle all too well.

“No,” I tell her, wagging my finger right back. “Hard no. Absolutely not. Not tonight.”

She looks at me like I just kicked her puppy, “What?!”

“You know what happened last time! We’re not going anywhere but back to the room.” I can’t believe it even needs to be said. After Vegas, I thought we all knew better.

“Oh, come onnn,” Mysti whines. “When are we ever gonna be in Bangkok again?”

I look to the rest of the group for support, sure that I’m not the only one thinking clearly.

“She’s got a point.” Percy says.

The traitor.

I shoot her my beste tuglare.

“I’m not saying we go crazy,” she continues, holding up her hands, “but what’s one drink gonna hurt?”

The others nod in agreement. I’m totally outnumbered.

Still, I shake my head. Hard.
