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Chapter Five


“There is no unexpected item in the mother fucking bagging area!” Raven screams like a wild banshee. I grin. I love angry Raven. I’ll take her over sad Raven any day. I don’t even care that people are staring.

“Princesa,” I make a half-arsed attempt to calm her down, secretly loving the show. I wonder if I can rile her up some more. I lean a little on the scales as Raven desperately tries to flag down a member of staff to help the malfunctioning equipment.

I dragged her from the house after our now daily workout and our sadly separate showers, under the pretence of needing to get baking supplies. Since she came out of her room and her shell a few days ago, she’s been committed to training and ‘getting into shape’ – her words, not mine. I think her shape is perfect. I also don’t think she needs to train for anything, but I can tell she likes having a focus, something to do to take her mind off Phoenix.

I sigh. We’re not getting anywhere with bringing the little girl home and it’s frustrating. I miss her. Whenever I bake, I still expect her to come running in to pinch the cookies while they’re still hot. I got used to having her as a shadow.

“It’s not unexpected you digital fuck! I just scanned it. I did the wavy-wave, you did the’s how this partnership works.”

I silently laugh, shoulders shaking, because she’s seriously scolding the self-scan checkout right now, having a conversation and a relationship with it. I’m almost jealous. Except, I’ve been on the end of her tongue lashings before and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Even a machine.

Raven willingly came with me and for the last couple of hours we’ve been wandering around the supermarket with a basket picking up all sorts of goodies. I don’t need any of it. I just wanted to spend time with Raven and get her out of the house for a bit.

“But oh no, you just had to go and have a digital stroke on me and die, didn’t you! And great, now you’re calling for backup. I don’t need help! You need help. You and your judgemental flashing red light can fuck off. I’m not a thief or an incompetent moron.”

The sales assistant comes over to fix the problem and Raven mutters under her breath the whole time – something about being paid to babysit a bathroom scale with delusions of grandeur – and I can’t hold my laughter in anymore. It breaks free, loud and clear, and Raven turns to death glare at me.

“What?” She demands. I just shake my head and pay for the shopping, scooping up the bags and following her out of the self-service area.

“I don’t know why you’re laughing,” she grumbles when we get outside and closer to the car.

“Best date ever,” I grin.

“This wasn’t a date. A date has to include—”

“Food and kissing,” I cut her off. “Food.” I shake the bags at her then drop them to the floor. “And kissing.”

She’s in my arms before she can blink and I kiss her like my life depends on it. Fuck I missed her. She feels good. Tastes good too. We’re pulled apart by horns blaring and someone yelling “get a room.” I grin at her.

“See? Date,” I tell her stubbornly.

“You broke the eggs,” she points out.

“No need,” I shrug.

“What do you mean you don’t need them?”

“Don’t need shopping. Rebel gets delivery home.” I tell her easily. I just wanted to get her out of the house for a bit, and this seemed like a good excuse.

I walk toward the car, but Raven picks up the discarded bags and follows after me.

“So why the hell did we just spend two hours buying all this stuff?” she demands.

“Date,” I reply.

I flash her my most charming grin and it works; she loses the angry confusion and shakes her head with affectionate exasperation at me.

“Good?” I ask.

“Was it a good date?” she clarifies and I nod. “Not my worst. Now take me for actual food. I’m so hangry I could kill.”

I laugh, not bothered by the blasé way she jokes about killing. I know she doesn’t mean it, even though she can kill and has in the past. You have to be able to joke about these things. Joking is better than crumbling from the guilt. I like strong Raven. I will make her stronger.

Impulsively, I stop the car and lean over to kiss her again. She laughs and hits me on the arm.
