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“What are you talking about, Frank?”

He gestured to all the stuff I was thinking about getting rid of or selling. He had read the whole thing wrong.

“You. Why are you packing again? You can't keep going back and forth and messing with my heart. Didn't last night mean anything to you?”

It was actually quite funny after a moment. After I got over the initial shock and the abruptness of his words. It started to make sense. He thought I was ignoring his calls, and I guess he didn't quite take the time to realize that I was packing up my grandfather’s things. If I was ever going to take over the master bedroom, I needed to get his things out first. There was a plan formulating, but I wasn't sure about it yet, and I certainly wasn’t going to say anything out loud to anyone.

“What did it mean to you?”

I didn't answer any of his questions. I wanted an answer of my own. All of this that I was doing, it mattered. Gemma had made me see the reality of the situation, but it didn't deter me like she wanted it to. It did show me, though, that if he didn't feel the way I did, in love, none of this was worth it. If it was just a fling like it had been in the summers, while I'm not going to say that it wouldn't be worth it, I didn't want to set myself up for that kind of failure.

He moved toward me and I took a step back, just because I couldn't think clearly when he had his hands on me, and the only way to remedy that, was to keep my distance a little bit. It might seem childish, but it was the only way that seemed to work.

“Do you really not know, or do you just want to hear it?”

I honestly wasn't sure what the answer to that was. I wanted to say that I needed to know, but maybe I already did. Why was it so hard to imagine that he felt just like I did?

Maybe it was just too hard to believe it.

“You know that I love you.”

“Love me?”

Frank took another step forward, and I took another step back. I wanted to hear the words, before I felt the touch. The touch was what got me every time.

“Yes, I love you. I think I loved you back when we were teenagers. I just didn't know it, then. I thought we would have more time. I thought I would see you again. A lot of things that I thought turned out to be wrong, but the feelings I had for you never changed. Even now, after all this time, I don't feel any different. I love you more if that's possible, and I want you more. I wanted you back then, but now, I can have you, and I wish you would stop backing up from me because all I want to do is get my hands on you.

“Because you know I'll cave if you do.”

“Cave to what? I should have told you about Caroline, but I didn't know how to. We are pretty damn young to worry about raising a child.”

“You're doing it.”

“Yeah, but that's my choice. I come with a little bit of baggage, and I didn't want to scare you off.”

“Did you really think that was an option?”

“I don't know. It's been so long and all I know is that I can't let you leave again. I don't want to go another decade without seeing you. Especially not now.”

Frank was the type of guy that knew exactly what to say and funny enough, that made me nervous. Not only did his words seem to echo in my mind, but the idea of raising a child was daunting. A new relationship and another new relationship with his daughter. He said that we weren't ready for that yet, and I tended to agree.

I had nowhere else to go. The wall was pressing against my back now, and I finally had to look forward and study the man advancing on me. He didn't stop, but he had this twinkle in his eye like he had finally caught me. I felt like I was the prey and I was caught in a trap. I didn't know if I liked the feeling, but as soon as he pulled me into his arms, the driver was gone. I was captured, and it was now just time to give. There was no need to fight it anymore.

“Are you really not going to say anything to me?”

I told him that I didn't know what to say and that was the truth. How was I supposed to respond to that? He had just poured out his heart in front of me and I didn't know how to take it. This was Frank after all. He had basically said everything that I wanted him to say since I was a teenager, and now all of the great things that I was going to say were gone from my mind. And then he kissed me, and I could no longer think.

His lips were gentle at first, pretty quickly becoming insistent, and since I had nowhere to go, it wasn't long before he was picking me up into his arms and holding me there. In that way I had to hold on and he had more control over me. I didn't know if that's what he was thinking, but that was exactly what happened.

It wasn't much longer after that until he was trying to get my pants off, slip inside of me, and when he managed all of that, we both cried out with the pleasure. I didn't think I could ever get sick of that feeling.

It was intense like it had been the night before and the day before when we had done it in his office. There was such an urgency to Frank at this moment, it was kind of intoxicating. I didn't think we were ever going to finish any kind of conversations if they all ended like this, but a few minutes and a couple of orgasms down, and I really didn't care. I was starting to think that talking in general was overrated.

Things we're going prettygood, now that I knew what Frank was doing. I wasn't near so worried about seeing him all the time. I still wanted to, of course, but I knew that he had other priorities. Other priorities that was in another life.

We had talked a little bit about me meeting his daughter, but that was still something that I thought needed more time. At least I needed more time. I had never even considered being any sort of stepparent. It was a lot to wrap my mind around, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I did know that I wanted to meet her, just not just yet.

I ignored the calls from Gemma. It wasn’t the responsible thing to do, but it was the right thing to do for the moment. She had a tendency to make me question everything and right now, I just wanted to ride on this cloud and not look down.
