Page 18 of Fastball

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“You have nothing to be sorry about. I was a willing participant in what happened, remember? If anyone should be sorry, it’s me.”

She peers up, confused, so I smile and continue.

“I should have been more careful. I should have protected you from this, I should have thought about the cameras and the fact that anyone can hack into anything these days.” I expect her to make a rebuttal, but to my shock, she just holds me tighter as I stand there, trying to figure out how I can fix this.

“I love you, and these photos will never change that,” I whisper against her temple and I kiss her softly. She probably thinks I said that for her benefit, but little does she know it was for me.

A few days later, I step into Henry’s office and knock softly on his door. “Henry?” He’s sitting behind his desk, and I quickly glance back to see Harper busy in her office, no clue of what I’m about to do. “I need a favor.”

“What do you need?” he asks automatically, and I can’t help but smile. I’m so glad that Harper has him in her life.

“I need to see your surveillance tapes from a few weeks ago.”

He eyes me, questioning.

“I think someone in this building is the one behind the photos, and I wanted to see if my hunch was correct.”

He quickly nods and motions for me to follow.

When we enter the room, he asks for the date in question, and I tell him. Once he pulls it up, he shows me how to work the system and how all the cameras are connected.

“Should I be leaving the room for this?” he questions with a gleam in his eyes, and I smile back at him.

“Yeah, that might be smart.”

He just chuckles to himself, patting me on the shoulder as he closes the door behind him. He really doesn’t need to see this.

I press play and watch as Harper walks through the front doors, locks them behind her, slowly making her way through the building. She looks around the room and then walks toward the back field area. When I lose sight of her, I switch cameras and see myself in the batting cage, and then seconds later she’s walking through toward me.

I stare at the screen for a few minutes before I realized I need to look at the cameras outside the field area. When I find what I’m looking for, I watch a figure dressed all in black, hoodie over their face, creep through the front of the gym and toward the door that leads to where Harper and I are standing. They stop… look through the door for longer than necessary and then make their way to this room.

I slam my fists into the table, hearing the echo surround me. I take a glass from the desk and throw it against the wall, watching as it breaks into a thousand shards on the floor. Henry comes barging in and he looks down at me with concern written all over his face.

“What the hell, Josh?” he yells, looking at the glass shattered across the floor.

“Sorry, I’ll clean it up,” I mutter as my fingers tangle in my hair. What the hell am I gonna do? I have proof that someone was here, someone was purposefully stealing images of us to blackmail Harper and me, but I can’t prove who it is.

“I’m guessing you didn’t find what you were looking for?”

I shake my head. I went into this room thinking I was about to see Angela creep toward this room, but the longer I look at the person on that screen, the more I realize that it’s a man and not the woman that’s spent the past few months trying to destroy our relationship.

“Who knows about this room?” I ask, hoping to get something I can bring to my lawyer.

“Everyone that works here, pretty much. It’s not a secret that we have cameras everywhere and all employees have to know about this room in case of emergencies.”

Okay, so that doesn’t narrow down my search at all.

I need a new plan. And fast.



I walk into my office to Mel sitting at my desk with a huge smile on her face.

“Hey gorgeous,” she teases, standing and walking toward me. “I see you went all out getting dressed this morning.” She motions to my wrinkled jeans and stained T-shirt. “Did you find those on the floor next to all your other dirty clothes?”

I shake my head, hating that she knows me enough to know I hate doing laundry and therefore all my clothes end up either on the floor or on the chair in the corner.
