Page 26 of Fastball

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“Okay,” I start, diverting both men from killing each other. “How about we set up the game and play for a few hours and forget about women altogether?”

“No!” King says through a laugh. “I want to know how Will thinks he’s going to get with Mellie. Because from what I heard that girl isn’t free for anyone, especially you.”

Will lunges toward him, but my hands stop him.

“Will, man. Stop,” I mutter, pushing him back a few steps. “I know he’s a fucking pissant about this shit, but maybe use him to your advantage. He and Mel are friends, right?” I look to King and he nods. “Ask him what she wants. Ask him what she likes and what to do in order to get her interested.”

Will thinks about this for a split second before he deflates and King steps closer.

“Will, if you’re really interested then I can help, but if you’re only interested in getting in her pants, I will leave you high and dry to fight that girl because from what she’s told me, she deserves someone in her corner that wants her for her.”

We both stand there in shock, because I have never heard King speak like this about anyone, especially a woman.


“I’m not used to you being protective like this,” I mutter, taking the beer and chips off the counter and heading into the living room and sitting on the couch.

“Well believe it. Because Mel is a nonnegotiable issue for me. Got it?” He looks toward Will as he nods but then his eyes connect with my very confused ones. “What?” he questions with a nervous laugh.

“Nothing… just not used to you caring about a woman.”

King shrugs but says nothing as he makes his way to where I’m sitting.

“It’s a good look for you,” I tease as he throws a chip my way.

“Whatever. Can we play this fucking game before we turn into women and start gossiping all night?”

I roll my eyes, Will making his way into the room and sitting on the floor. Before long we’ve immersed ourselves into the game and hours pass without any of us moving an inch.

“Fuck, man, I need to stretch my legs before the next set,” King mutters, getting up from the couch and heading into the kitchen where he grabs some more beers but then stops at the island. “Hey Josh?” he says, his voice sounding concerned as he holds up my phone.


“Umm, you might want to call Harper… she’s messaged you about ten times.”

Panic explodes from within my chest as I jump out of my seat and grab the phone from his hands.

Harper: Babe? Can you call me please? Something happened.

Harper: Josh? I really need you to call me. Please.

Harper: I don’t know what to do, please call me.

There are five more along those lines and so I immediately dial her number and hope to God she’s okay.

“Josh?” she whispers after the first ring.

My chest compresses at the sound of her voice. At least she’s okay.

“Sunshine? What’s wrong? What happened?”

When she doesn’t answer right away my mind starts racing and the worst-case scenarios start to form in my head. Did something happen to Henry, the gym? Did someone try to hurt her? Did the pictures get leaked? All of those scenarios run through my brain as I listen to her breath hitch as she tries to find the words to tell me what happened.

“Sweetheart, what happened, are you okay?” I ask again and she’s silent for a few more seconds before she says the words I hoped would never come from her mouth again.

“I got another email.”

