Page 25 of Fastball

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“Don’t give me that look, this is my cheat day, let me have this.”

I shake my head and pick up my phone, reading my girl’s text.

Harper: How’s guys’ night going.

Me: King is complaining that we don’t have enough snacks.

I glance over and see that the bag of chips that sits between us is already half gone, and I know in about thirty minutes the guy beside me is going to be on the phone ordering pizza and wings.

Harper: I just went shopping yesterday! I even bought chips!

I chuckle to myself at the fact that she seems offended.

Me: I told him that. Don’t worry, he’ll order pizza in a few minutes and shut up.

Just as I send that text, King picks up his phone and starts pacing the living room as he orders said pizza. There’s a knock at the door and before I have a chance to get up, King opens the door and Will strides in with a case of beer and more chips.

“My man! Brought reinforcements!” King yells while still on the phone.

Will gives me a look, one I know well. He’s questioning why we invite him anywhere. I shrug, taking the beer from his hands and putting it in the fridge. Once I’m done, I check my phone once more and see that Harper hasn’t texted back, so I set my phone on the island and lean back, waiting for Will to say something, but I can see it written all over his face.

“What? Spit it out,” I mutter, making sure King is still on the phone.

“How’s Harper?” he asks, and I quirk an eyebrow because I know for a fact that he doesn’t want to know about my girlfriend.

“If you want to ask about Mel, just ask, man.”

A shy smile crosses his face, one I haven’t seen on him since college as he shakes his head.

“You like her,” I state, already knowing it’s true but I know he needs to admit it to himself.

“I don’t know, man. I can’t get her out of my head. I haven’t even kissed her and yet there she is, taking over my dreams.”

In the back of my mind, I can’t wait to tell Harper that she was right about him, but on the surface, I appear neutral.

“So ask her out.” It’s the obvious thing to do but by the eye roll I receive, he knows that.

“I have, she’s said no every time.”

I tilt my head and wonder why that is, then I remember what Harper said about Mel making him work for it. This must be what she meant.

“You know not every girl is going to fall at your feet and beg to go out with you…” I mutter, seeing the pleading look in his eyes.

“I know that, asshole. What I didn’t expect was her to flat out say no when I know she’s interested.”

“How do you know she’s interested?” It’s at this point that King hangs up the phone and makes his way over to where we’re standing.

“Who’s interested?” King questions and a look of panic crosses Will’s face.

“Mel,” I say before I think better of it and when King’s eyes grow three sizes and Will smacks my arm, I know I made a mistake.

“You’re into Mellie? Seriously?”

King makes a face and Will’s eyes narrow in anger.

“What? Even you have to admit she’s not your usual type.”

He’s not wrong. But right now, Will doesn’t want to hear it.
