Page 39 of Fastball

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He groans, shaking his head in disagreement. “Seriously? So we really need to do that…” he whines like a child as I smirk down at him. Big baby.

“Doctor’s orders,” I say, getting up and groaning at the loss of him.

I go into the closet quick and pick out some boxers, throwing them in his direction. I then rummage through his shirts and find one, throwing it over my head.

“You know it’s not natural for you to look this hot in one of my T-shirts,” Josh admits, watching me through heated eyes as I make my way back to the bed.

He’s already under the covers and once I snuggle in next to him, I look up, seeing he’s already staring at me.

“My answer is yes,” I whisper, kissing his bare chest and lacing my fingers with his and squeezing.

“Answer to what?” he asks, and I smile against his skin.

I knew the second I saw him in that hospital bed that I would never let him out of my life, I knew the second he woke and I saw those blue eyes once again that I would give him anything he asked for… even this.

“To moving in with you,” I say, gazing into his eyes as they bulge and his arms tighten around me.

“Are you serious right now? You’re really saying yes to moving in with me?”

I nod my head, smiling as his eyes continue to question me.

“What changed your mind? I thought this was too soon.”

My eyes are somber and I avert them to his chest, feeling extra vulnerable in this moment.

“Seeing you in that bed, wires everywhere and not being able to talk to you, see those eyes…”

His fingers lift my chin so our eyes meet, and I can’t help the tear that falls at the memory.

“It made me realize that it might seem fast to other people, but I can’t live without you. So, I want to move in here, I want to share this space and I want to be here when you get home every day.”

His eyes soften and he leans down and takes my lips in a kiss that is unlike anything we’ve shared before. It’s soft yet full of all the love we have for each other and I melt against him.

“I love you so much, Sunshine,” he mutters against my lips.

“I love you too.”

His fingers stroke my hair and I rest my head on his chest and wonder if I can finally sleep easy knowing that our life will go back to normal.



Waking up to my girl in my arms and the peace of knowing that everything will be resolved soon brings a smile to my face. Today is the day that Harper and I head to Dixon’s office to finally start the process of getting our lives back.

When Harper told me about her phone call with Dixon and then the subsequent interaction, or should I say intimidation from TJ, I was livid. Pissed that I wasn’t there to protect her like I promised I would—thank god for King—and also mad at myself for not seeing it sooner. In hindsight, everything TJ said made sense. The confidence, the goading, and the incessant need to piss me off all led to the fact that he wanted me to sink myself. He wanted my sport but knew he couldn’t make it with talent alone. He needed to ruin my reputation which led him to fucking Angela.

I knew there was something off about that chick, she was a red flag machine and although I stayed out of her hair as much as possible, I can’t imagine how Harper is feeling knowing she played a part in all of this.

“What are you thinking about so hard over there?” Harper asks.

Her fingers tangle in my hair as I turn to look down at her gorgeous face. I smile because for the first time in months, I don’t have this sense of foreboding sitting in the pit of my stomach. I’m not wondering what today will bring or if those fucking photos will end up on the news at any moment. The peace I feel in this moment is extraordinary and I can’t wait until all of this is over and done with for good.

“Worried about you,” I admit, smiling at the way her eyes narrow and she sits up cross-legged beside me.

“Why would you be worried about me? You’re the one that was just released from the hospital.”

I nod, knowing that it’s true, but my trauma was physical, her trauma has been mental and more substantial.
