Page 40 of Fastball

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“I know, but that doesn’t mean what happened to you is any less concerning. Sweetheart, you just found out that my teammate was following and blackmailing us.”

She rolls her eyes as if that information doesn’t change a thing for her.

“Josh, TJ was a jerk and yes it was kind of shocking that it was him when I honestly thought it was Cole for the longest time. But it makes sense now, right? All the pieces are starting to fall into place.”

I nod. “True, but what about Angela?” I ask, seeing the way her entire body recoils at the name. “Aren’t you upset that someone you knew for that long would do something like this?”

She’s silent for a few minutes before she shakes her head.

“Honestly, no. Angela and I have never been on the best of terms. She was upset that I have more power than her, she hated that everyone would come to me with issues in the gym and for the longest time, I swear she was jealous of the fact that anytime a baseball player or someone who knows who I am would come, they would only talk to me and not her.”

Makes sense. From the brief interactions I had with her, the self-importance that washed off her was extraordinary.

“Are you ready for today?” I ask, knowing that if she said no, I would call Dixon in a heartbeat and tell him to wait or even just do this myself, but my girl just nods her head.

“Of course. Getting this over with is something I’ve been dreaming about for months.”

I pull her close, kissing her lips as my hands thread themselves in her hair.

“You don’t have to come, you know; I can do it.”

She shakes her head, pulling away from my grip. “Not a chance, big guy. One, I’m not letting you out of my sight for a while.”

I wink at her because that doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me.

“And two, I want to be there for this. This has affected me and you for so long that I want the satisfaction of signing those papers and talking to those officers.”

I nod, knowing she’s right.

“Okay, then. We better get going before we’re late and Dixon charges me time and a half,” I joke, wondering if he would actually do that, but too afraid to find out.

The second we step inside Dixon’s office, everything happens at once. We’re on the phone with the chief of police, a man that I know is Cole’s father and someone who is apologizing profusely for his role in all of this. Obviously, he feels guilty for dismissing Harper’s claims and is trying to make up for it now. I have no doubt that Dixon threatened to go public with all that information and now the chief will do just about anything to help us now.

My eyes drift to Harper during Dixon’s demands, which include a restraining order for both Angela and TJ, along with harassment and stalking. My eyes catch Harper’s as the chief concedes to all of the demands without even a hesitation and that small smirk on her lips is so fucking sexy that I have to remind myself that I’m in a roomful of lawyers and police and that sporting a hard-on right now isn’t something that needs to happen. Harper’s eyes heat when she sees exactly what that spark in her eyes did to me, but she shakes her head, dismissing me.

“Thank you, Chief. I will be faxing over the paperwork momentarily.” Dixon doesn’t wait for an answer before he disconnects the call and faces us with a huge smile on his face. “That honestly could not have gone better. I know him and his force dismissing your claims the first time was hard, but it’s leaning in your favor right now.”

Harper nods, a small smile playing on the edge of her lips as her fingers grasp mine and bring my hand into her lap.

“So, what happens now?” she asks, her voice softer than before, uneasiness creeping through her strong exterior.

“Well, we submit the paperwork for the restraining order, harassment and stalking charges and then in about two to three days, both parties will be brought in and charged.”

We both nod, still not really sure what to expect.

“I know the restraining order will go into effect right away, correct?” I ask,

Harper squeezing my fingers at the idea of it happening.

When Dixon agrees, I continue, “So what happens with the harassment and stalking charges?”

Dixon sits back in his chair and steeples his hands in front of him. To anyone else, that would be an intimidating pose, but all I feel is relief that he’s on our side.

“To be honest, the road ahead isn’t easy. There will be an investigation and they will need to speak to both of you, together and apart. I won’t lie to you and say that these charges will stick, because they might not but we will do everything in our power to make sure someone pays for what happened to both of you.”

Harper sighs in relief because even though the future isn’t guaranteed, we know that it’s over.

It’s finally over.
