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“What the hell do we do, Mac?”

“What do you mean?”

“This… it’s getting really serious, real fast, right? You feel it too, don’t you?”

“Sure do.”

“I know there’s no point in worrying. All the same, this shit isperfect. We’re crazy about her, the twins are too, and I’m sure she feels the same way about us.”

Mac snorted, nodding in a knowing manner. “You know what that is? That’s the military man in you talking. You’re trying to get everything planned out, every detail down to the last. It’s how we get our missions sorted out.”


“Love’s not like that though. Love… you just have to accept it, let it take you where it will. That’s what makes it fun. And youarehaving fun, right?”

I allowed myself a small smile. “How could I not be?”

“Then there you go. Take it from your big bro – don’t get so wrapped up in the maybe that you forget about the now. Enjoy this.”

He took one more sip, offering me the bottle. I declined.

“I’m heading back to bed,” he said. “Try and do the same before too long.”

“Will do.”

With that, Mac went to join the others on the big bed. I stayed for a time and watched the fire, wondering just what the future might hold for our little fivesome.

* * *

I was the last one up, the fire out as I rolled over the surface of the California king. I groaned, my body crying out for more sleep even though I was certain I’d had plenty. Nothing wore a man out like a globetrotting mission, and the fun we’d had last night sure didn’t do my weary bones any favors.

I rose from the bed, making my way over to my jeans draped over the back of a nearby chair. I took my phone out and checked the time – a little after eight. I was normally the type to get up at the crack of dawn, so sleeping until that hour was unacceptable for me.

“Wasting the day already.” I groaned the words as I dressed myself, heading out of the room and down the stairs when I was done.

A quick check of the house revealed that Tyler was still asleep, Marcus was in the gym, and Mac was up in the office going over some paperwork. I had books to look over, but that could wait until after breakfast and a little time in the gym myself.

When I reached the first floor, however, I realized that we were missing some people, three, in fact ? Aubrey and the twins. My heart jumped up a bit when I realized they were gone. I was still wound tight from the last two weeks.

I rushed around the house looking for them, as if the trio might be hidden away behind a bookshelf. On the way down from the second floor, I nearly bumped into Marcus in his workout gear, heading up for a shower.

He gave me a once-over, smirking and shaking his head, as if he knew just what was up.

“Something funny?” I asked.

“Check the kitchen,” he said as he headed to his room.

I was a touch annoyed, but all the same I was more eager to get to the bottom of what was going on. I hurried down to the kitchen, spotting a full pot of coffee and a note on the counter, an overturned mug on it holding it in place.

I stepped over and picked up the mug, reading the note with eager eyes.

Took the kids over to Downing to take care of a few things. Be back for lunch.

I sighed, a smile forming on my face as I set the note aside. Of course, that was the explanation. What else could it be? All the same, I wanted Aubrey and the twins back in the house sooner than later – it was safer here, after all.

I wondered if Seth was still lurking around. Just the thought of that prick was enough to make my blood run hot. I poured myself some coffee into the mug that’d been holding the note down, thinking of all the things I’d like to do to him. I tried to push it out of my head, but the more I lingered on the matter, the more I wanted to talk to one of the guys about it.

Mug in hand, I went up to the office. Mac glanced up from his computer, regarding me with an expression of slight curiosity.
