Page 43 of Merried

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When she moved closer, maybe to kiss me, I didn’t. “What does it mean, Calla? How does it change things?”

“I want to be with you, Spider. If you’ll have me.”

My eyes darted back and forth between hers. “You do?”

“I do. Getting this gift from Beau meant the world to me. It always will, but there are so many things it forced me to think about. I hated that you left Texas because of me, but I think it was for the best. It made me realize that if I didn’t tell you how I felt, I might lose you forever. I don’t want to lose you, Spider. I love you.”

“I have to admit, I feel like I’m dreaming, and when I wake up, the pain will be so unimaginable…”

“You aren’t dreaming.” She leaned closer and kissed me. At first, soft and gentle, almost tentative. Then full of the passion we felt for each other.

It was a dream, the best of my life, and it came to an abrupt end when I heard my father say my name.

I cupped Calla’s cheek and looked over my shoulder at him.

“Pardon the interruption, but your mother and I are leaving.”

I stood and held my hand out to Calla. She took it and stood too.

“Father, I’d like you to meet Calla Rey. She’s someone very important to me. Themostimportant person to me.” I had no idea how my father would react and silently prayed he didn’t do or say anything disrespectful out of the anger he felt for me.

“Winifred?” he called out for my mother, who came around the corner.


“Our son has someone special he’d like us to meet.” The anger I saw in his eyes moments ago was gone.

“Hello,” my mother said, stepping closer.

“This is Calla Rey. As Dad said, she’s someone very important to me.” While I rarely referred to him that way, it felt right, now.

“Welcome, Calla. How wonderful to meet you.” My mother held out her hand, and Calla dropped mine and took it.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too.” She looked over at my father. “Both of you.”

“Will you be joining us for Christmas?” my mother asked, looking from Calla to me.

“We will not be—”

“But we will be at your party on New Year’s Eve,” Calla interrupted.

I smiled when she turned to me with hopeful eyes. “Yes, we will.”

“What will you do tomorrow?” my mother asked. “Forgive me. You’re probably spending it with your family.”

Calla reached out for me. “I am. We have a new tradition.”

“The amusement park?” I asked.

She nodded. “And Chinese food.”

“I see,” said my mother through pursed lips. “Well, how lovely.”

I laughed. “We’ll talk it over, and maybe you’ll see us before the party.”

“We’d like that, son,” said my father, who put his arm around my mother’s shoulders. “I hate to cut this short, but we do have a flight to catch.”

“It was wonderful to meet you,” my mother repeated.
