Page 44 of Merried

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“And you.”

When my parents left, I gathered Calla in my arms. “So, your family has a new tradition, does it?”

“That’s right. If you’re up for it.”

“On one condition.”

She nodded.

“We spend Christmas Eve at home.”

She gasped. “My bag!”

“What about it?”

“The driver left with it.”

“You brought a bag?”

“I planned to stay.” She pulled out her phone. “I need to contact the car service.”

“I’m sure he’ll be able to come back. Maybe not today—”

“It has to be today.”

Calla placed a call, and when someone answered on the other end, she explained what had happened. “He’s on his way here now,” she said when the call ended.

At the same time, we heard a horn beep in the driveway.

“I’ll go,” she said before I could, so I followed.

“At least let me carry it in for you,” I said when the driver handed it to her. “Hang on,” I said to him, pulling out some cash. “Have a merry Christmas,” I said giving it to him without checking to see how much there was.

He looked at it with wide eyes. “Are you sure? There’s—”

“I’m sure. Enjoy your holiday.”

“That was very nice of you,” said Calla, kissing my cheek as she passed me her bag.

I was stunned by its weight. “Whoa, what’s in here?”



“You’ll see,” I told him as we walked into his parents’ house. “So are we spending Christmas Eve here or—?”

“It depends on which amusement park you’d like to go to, but either way, no, we won’t be staying here.”

“Most of them are in Orlando.”

“Then, if you don’t mind, we’ll stay at my place. It isn’t a whole lot closer than here, but definitely closer than Miami would be. Although I will have to go down there eventually to get my car.”

“We could do that today if you’d like.”

“Nah, my parents have others they keep here. I’ll use one of theirs.”

“God, they really are rich,” I said when he led me into the garage. “How many does this hold?”
