Page 26 of Mama

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“It’s just so much, Echo.” Lila’s voice is timid and tired, and she’s the least confident I’ve seen her.

I start purring, hoping to give her as much comfort as she’s giving me. “Oh, sweetie, I know. You’ve been through so much in such a short period of time, and you’ve been so strong and resilient, just rolling with the punches. Anyone else would need to be committed to an insane asylum.”

She snorts. “Don’t count your chickens, Echo.”

Sometimes Lila confuses me. What a strange saying. Why would I be counting chickens? They are an Earth animal, so none live on Skarr.

“Why does he hate me? He has from day one, since I unlocked my powers.”

I smother a chuckle as I remember her floating in the air after drinking the water from Skarr, and the one giant bolt of lightning that hit Natalia on the ass, followed by the funny wave of energy that washed over me.

“Because that must have been when you released your whisperer powers. At that stage, nobody knew, but I guess maybe Maxsim could feel it on a subconscious level.”

“Can you explain it to me? I’m so confused. I’m both alpha and omega? How can that be?”

I hate hearing the desperation in her voice, so I rub my face against her knee, trying to sooth her further. Her fingers dig into my fur, and I feel my cock start to harden again. If I’m not careful, she will trigger my own heat early, and then we will be in for a fight if that happens before she and Maxsim come to some sort of understanding.

“Whisperers put out alpha and omega hormones, and it can be confusing to lightning cats. Astrea was saying that it caused a lot of fighting when a new one was discovered, and it was one of the reasons they started to get a bad name and were eventually hunted. To me, you read as an alpha. I want you to stroke my fur and tell me I’m pretty before getting you to lock down on my cock.”

“Lock down?”

I look up at her, hearing her confused tone. Her lips are pursed adorably, and there’s a cute little crease between her eyes, and I just can’t help leaping up onto the couch and running my fingers over it, smoothing it all out, before placing a kiss on the tip of her nose.

“Yes, a male omega can be bred by both a male and a female alpha. Just like you and Link, when Maxsim fucks me, he has a knot at the base of his cock, and when it slides in, it inflates and knots us together.”

“You can get pregnant?” The confusion has gone and is replaced with curiosity.

“Yes. I have a womb and eggs, and if he fertilizes them, I will become pregnant like you,” I confirm, my heart aching at the fact that it hasn’t happened yet. I would like nothing better than to have a litter of kittens with Maxsim, but we still have plenty of time. Maybe now that things are settled and Natalia is gone, it will happen.

“And with a female alpha?” she asks after taking a moment to digest what I just told her.

“With a female alpha, they need to lock my cock into their pussy. I guess it’s kind of like a reverse knot. When I start to come, the entrance of her pussy swells almost until it’s strangling my cock, and then I can’t remove it.”

“And what, the alpha female becomes pregnant?” she inquires, and I shake my head.

“No. The alpha female has a small, penis-like internal organ. I’m not sure of the exact science, but as I start to orgasm, her little penis organ shoots down the tube, stopping the cum from exiting. I have a small opening to my womb that only ever opens when it comes in contact with an alpha female’s penis organ. It will deposit her eggs inside my womb, coated in the unspent cum, before quickly retracting.”

While I’ve been speaking, her eyes have grown wider and her mouth has dropped open. “That sounds absolutely horrifying.” She shudders. “Why would you ever want to have sex with a female alpha?”

“It’s supposed to be one of the best orgasms out there,” I assure her.

“Okay, so that explains why you’re like this with me.” She sounds disappointed.

“Lila, I was so happy to see you in my nest, but it was the attraction mark I felt burn into my shoulder that told me everything I wanted to know. That’s how I knew where to find you.” I turn my shoulder so she can see the mark that I felt burn onto my skin and mar my white fur with the bit of black. Maxsim hasn’t seen it yet, but I can imagine it’s going to be dramatic when he does.

“And I register as alpha to Maxsim?” she asks, and I can’t stop the grimace.

“Yes and no. It’s why he’s so aggressive. He’s confused. Sometimes you register as an alpha and he sees you as competition for me, but at other times, he sees you as an omega, and he wants to bounce you on his knot as well.”

Understanding floods her face. “I understand now. That must be horrible for him. I’d probably be just as possessive and aggressive, and his mother made him come here, practically gifting him to me. Poor guy. I really don’t want to come between the two of you.”

“Lila, sweetie, you’re not.” I put a finger over her lips, hushing her. “The thing you don’t realize is that it’s the omega who controls the mating clan, not the alpha. If I tell him I want another five alpha knots or locks in our bond, he will need to get over his possessive crap and just accept it.”

She blushes a pretty pink and turns her head, the room filling with the sweet scent of her pheromones. My nest was filled with the smell of sunshine and warmth, and I am never going to want to leave it. If we leave Skarr before my heat, I will have to ask Xavier to transport all my cushions to my nest on the big ship.

“Now, how about we nap here just a little longer? I’m sure Xavier will help Maxsim work out his anger, and when they return, everything will be fine.” I try for optimism, but I can tell by the look she gives me that she doesn’t believe me. She gives in, though, and snuggles down on the couch.

I’m not sure I believe myself either, but I jump down into the nest and grab a blanket to drape over us before returning to the upper level. She moves over and pats the place next to her.
