Page 27 of Mama

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“Well, for now, I don’t care about the grumpy asshole, I just need my pretty purring kitty next to me.”

Fuck me. What is she trying to do, make me go into heat early? I grit my teeth and gently lie down next to her. She wraps her arms around me and forces—okay, she didn’t have to try too hard—my head down between her lush breasts. I start to purr, and she sighs with contentment.

“Yes, this is perfect.” I feel her breathing even out as she falls asleep once more. I decide she has the right idea, and I do the same. I will worry about the grumpy asshole later.

* * *


As I leap at the interfering, controlling witch, the warlock calmly steps between us.

“Oh, no you don’t.” I feel my body dissolve into particles, followed by the familiar sensation of teleporting. I can’t even change my trajectory and attack the warlock. I’m stuck until we arrive at whatever location he’s taking me to.

Finally, I feel my body reform. I snarl and take a swipe at the warlock, who just tuts and freezes me in place. “Now, now, kitty, I think it’s time you cooled off. If you don’t, I have no qualms about pushing you out of the airlock, especially after you tried to eviscerate my mate and her babies.”

I turn my attention to where he brought us. It’s the space port high above Skarr, where we had transferred through when we first arrived on the planet.

“You can teleport this far?” I gasp in shock, momentarily distracted from my fury, and the warlock looks pretty pleased with himself.

“Looks like I might have leveled up. I hadn’t tried it with another person, so I’m glad I didn’t leave half of you in space.”

The fury returns, and although I can’t move, I can still growl, so I do.

“Now, now, Maxsim, you need to learn to use your words,” he chides. “If I release you, you’re going to take a deep breath and actually think with the brain inside your furry head. Stop letting your jealousy blind you.” All signs of joking are gone, and he’s very serious. “Because what you tried to do to Lila is unacceptable.”

“What are you doing, Xavier? Let the poor lightning cat go.” Another voice draws the warlock’s attention away from me. I struggle against the spell that keeps me frozen, but I have no luck. I’ll have to wait until he releases me.

“You wouldn’t be saying that, Link, if you saw what he tried to do to Lila. In fact, you would be downright impressed with my restraint. I could have just killed him like I did Elyan.”

The cyborg doctor comes into view and stands with the warlock, propping his hands on his hips as a wrinkle of a frown forms between his eyebrows.

“What happened? When we left, Lila was happily reading in her space. She promised she wouldn’t go anywhere or do anything.”

Xavier chuckles. “Well, you know our little mate. She can’t help but get up to no good. When I returned, she was in Echo’s nest.”

Link’s frown clears, and his mouth purses in understanding. “Oh.”

“Yup. She smelled like she likes that pretty kitty very much and had just told this one to go fuck himself.”

“But why did he try to kill her?” Link’s confusion is not hard to hear.

“She accidently used her whisperer powers, and when I got her out of the pit, he was furiously trying to jack himself off.” I feel my cheeks heat with anger again, and my growl gets louder. “He was not happy. He thinks Lila is trying to steal his mate and control him.”

“I can see how being controlled would annoy him, but omegas control who they pick as mates. If Echo wants Lila, Maxsim doesn’t really have much of a say. Unfreeze him so we can have a calm and rational conversation,” Link requests, waving at me.

Xavier scoffs, “Good luck,” but does as he asks, and I feel my body return to my control.

“Stop doing that,” I snarl at the warlock who doesn’t look perturbed.

“Stop being a dick, and I won’t have to,” he counters.

Link huffs and places himself between us. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Grow up, both of you. Maxsim, what is your problem with Lila?” he demands.

“She’s going to break Echo’s heart when she rejects him.” My words are growly because I can’t get my worry under control.

“What makes you think she will?” Link is calm and rational, and I feel my own anger seep away.

“Yeah, from the smell of that nest, I think Lila feels very favorable toward your mate. You also didn’t notice Echo’s shoulder. He’s proudly wearing Lila’s attraction mark now.”
