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So she had never rubbed deliberately against anyone before and it wasn’t deliberate now—at least not at first. But as she reached for the blindfold and felt the gentle friction between her tight nipples and the giant’s broad chest, she couldn’t help wanting to feel it again.

So as she finally grasped the blindfold, she did it again—deliberately this time—allowing her ripe tips to press against the giant’s chest and side.

“Mmm, what are you doing down there?” the giant rumbled. “Thought you were just taking off my blindfold, sweetheart, but I can feel you rubbing against me.”

“I…I’m just trying to reach it. You’re so tall!” Breenah said defensively.

“Yeah—that would be the Giant Kindred ancestry I have somewhere in my DNA,” he rumbled. “Accounts for my skin color too. Though I’m mostly Wulven.”

Breenah had no idea what he was talking about—she only knew that his big body was warm and he smelled surprisingly good—a hot, spicy scent that seemed to have a slightly smoky edge to it. Like the fires they lit outside the Compound on Bonfire Night to celebrate the Lunar Equinox each year, she thought.

Snagging the blindfold at last, she managed to slip it over his head and then took a quick step back from him. His hair was short—cut close to his skull except for a black strip that was slightly longer, running down the center of his head from his high forehead to the back of his neck. His eyes—she could finally see as he blinked at her, getting used to the light—were a pale, piercing blue like the ice that formed on the surface of the lake in winter.

As he focused on her, those pale eyes widened in apparent surprise.

“Gods-damn, sweetheart,” he breathed as his piercing gaze swept over her. “What in the Seven Hells are you wearing? I mean—why are you dressed like that?”

Breenah felt put on the defensive at once.

“It’s a standard issue uniform!” she snapped, glaring up at him. “There’s no need to stare at me—I know mine doesn’t fit right.”

“Standard issue uniform?” he repeated, shaking his head. “You mean all of you on this planet dress like this?”

“Yes, of course,” Breenah said stiffly. Honestly, she would have thought the giant would have better things to do than critique her uniform!

“But…why do you leave so much, er, skin exposed?” His pale blue eyes had traveled to her breasts again, which jiggled when Breenah moved.

She frowned.

“Why not? The Compound we all live in is protected by a Climate Dome—it keeps the temperature perfectly balanced at all times so no one gets cold. And all our growing resources are aimed at plants that produce food, which means fabric is scarce. So it makes sense to have minimal uniforms.”

These were all the excuses that Mistress Work-worthy had given her when Breenah had complained that she wanted a larger uniform—one that fit and covered her sensitive areas. In retrospect, she probably shouldn’t have done that—it had only drawn attention to her differences and made the Superior dislike her even more. But she told them to the giant now, trying to justify the skimpy silver garments she had on.

He shook his head again.

“If you say so, sweetheart,” he rumbled. “I mean, I’m not complaining. The view is fucking amazing.”

“Why do you say that?” Breenah demanded, offended all over again. “You’re saying that because my breasts are too big, aren’t you?”

“Too big?” the giant rumbled. “There’s no such thing, sweetheart. Your breasts are fucking gorgeous—it’s just where I come from, women keep them covered.”

“They do?” Breenah asked enviously. “There must not be a fabric shortage where you come from then.”

“No, there isn’t,” the giant said. Breenah noticed that his eyes remained glued to her breasts. “Don’t look at me like that!” she exclaimed.

“Like what?” the giant asked, a faint smirk on his face. He had very strong features—a square jaw covered with dark stubble and high cheekbones, Breenah couldn’t help noticing.

“I don’t know,” she said uncertainly. “Like…like you want to eat me up or something!”

“Eat you, hmmm?” the giant rumbled. And now Breenah noticed that his eyes had dropped from her breasts to a lower spot. He was eyeing the place where the bottom part of her uniform didn’t quite cover the mount of her sex—the place where the top of her slit was exposed.

She didn’t know why, but his hot gaze traveling over her body caused those strange trembles in her stomach again. It was the same way she had felt when her nipples had brushed against his broad chest.

“I said stop looking at me that way,” she snapped. “Have you never seen a female before?”

“No, but I’m betting that you’ve never seen a male before either, have you sweetheart?” he rumbled.

“It doesn’t matter that I’ve never seen one of your kind before,” Breenah said indignantly. “I know that you’re not to be trusted—males lie with every breath they take. I should put your blindfold back on right now!”
