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“No, don’t do that.” The giant scowled. “I won’t look at you if you don’t want me to. It’s just hard to keep my eyes off your gorgeous body when it’s on display like that.”

“Gorgeous?” Breenah looked at him distrustfully. “You’re kidding, right? You’re making fun of me because I look different from other women!”

The giant opened his eyes wide with apparent innocence.

“Well I don’t know what the other females look like around here, sweetheart, but I can’t imagine they look any better than you. And no, I’m not making fun of you—you’re really damn beautiful with all those luscious curves and that smooth, brown skin—you must know that.”

“Nobody’s ever said that to me before” Breenah admitted. She narrowed her eyes, a new thought occurring to her. “You’re just trying to flatter me—to get on my good side and get me off my guard. Well it won’t work! You’re a male, so I know that everything you say is a lie. I won’t listen to your false flattery one minute more!”

The giant rolled his eyes.

“I can’t win with you, sweetheart,” he growled. “If I stare at you too much, it’s because I think you look different. If I try to tell you how beautiful you are, I’m flattering you for my own fucking ends. I don’t know what you want from me!”

“I want you to be quiet!” Breenah snapped, though to be honest, she didn’t want that at all. Speaking to the giant prisoner was surprisingly stimulating—he was easily the most interesting thing that had ever happened to her, since life in the Compound tended to be the same day after day. Also, she couldn’t help wondering, just a little, if he might be serious about thinking she was “gorgeous” which was certainly not a word she’d heard applied to herself before.

And she had to admit she rather liked his eyes on her body. It made her feel hot all over, the way he studied her breasts and sex in that hungry way of his. No one had ever looked at her like that. Biting her lip, she thrust out her breasts and began to pace in front of him, putting a little extra sway in her step to make her large globes jiggle as she walked.

“What are you doing, sweetheart?” the giant demanded, his eyes following her as she paced back and forth.

“I’m supposed to be guarding you, so that’s what I’m doing,” Breenah informed him. “I suppose we can continue to talk—as long as you don’t lie,” she added.

He made a face.

“Thought you said that every word I said was a lie, because I’m a male?”

“Well…” Breenah didn’t really have an answer for that—she only knew she wanted to continue their conversation—to continue to feel his eyes on her, for some reason.

“We’re not all untrustworthy bastards, you know,” the giant growled. “Not like the males of your own race, that you drove out hundreds of cycles ago.”

Breenah frowned up at him.

“How do you know about the history of my planet?” she demanded.

“Everybody knows.” He shrugged, as well as he was able with his arms manacled over his head. “It’s like a fucking cautionary tale—how not to treat females!”

“The males of our planet kept the females in sexual bondage,” Breenah said automatically, repeating what she’d been told many, many times.

“I see…” The giant raised an eyebrow at her. “And what does that mean, exactly?”

Breenah flushed—he was making fun of her! Possibly he’d overheard her conversation with Meendy where she had been asking the exact same question. But she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of thinking that she didn’t know.

“It…it means the males did anything they wanted to the females,” she said, lifting her chin. “Whenever they wanted to.”

“Mmm…I see,” he murmured and his eyes were on her again, sweeping over her full, naked breasts and the mound of her sex. “So then, I guess the males would suck the females’ ripe nipples whenever they wanted to, hmm?”

“What?” Breenah asked, whirling to face him. For some reason his words sent a rush of tingling sensation through her body.

“Well, I mean if a male of your planet wanted to, he could find the female of his choice and cup her big, ripe breasts in his hands and then take his time sucking each of her tight nipples into his mouth until she moaned with pleasure,” the giant clarified. “Right?”

“I…I don’t know. I guess so,” Breenah said. “That…that’s not something we talk about or even think about here,” she added virtuously.

“Well, if you’re having trouble picturing it, you could always come over here and I could show you what I mean, sweetheart,” the giant growled.

Breenah felt her cheeks getting hot as his words produced a sudden and very vivid mental picture in her head. She imagined herself dragging a step-up—the one in the corner, which was used for getting supplies out of the high cabinets—over to the giant. Then she could climb up onto it so that her breasts were at the level of his face. And he could—
