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He shucked off his own shirt while I shimmied out of my pants, and we clung together, hands roaming eagerly over bare skin. I fumbled with his waistband as he dipped to suck at one of my nipples.

“So impatient,” he teased, but there was a strain to his voice that told me he felt the same need.

After the horrors we’d just seen, and what I knew was to come, I just wanted to feel the simple thrill of being a girl who’d sneaked a boy into her room.

I lifted my hips and encouraged him to settle between my thighs, his cock sliding against my folds. Spreading myself, I reached down to guide him inside me, locking one knee behind his back. We clung together while we rocked, the friction of his skin against my clit pinning my focus to that single spot.

Kas wrapped one hand behind my neck and lowered his fangs to my skin, tilting his head just enough to give me the same access. We shared blood in a rhythm that matched the gentle meeting of our bodies, and time seemed to disappear. The messed-up world I’d been living in fell away, and all my sensations were centered around this man’s skin and muscle, his lips, fangs, and the shaft of his cock buried deep inside my body.

I moaned his name around the blood I was taking from him, and he wrapped his arms tighter around me. We were barely moving, wrapped so tightly together in the moment. And still,he managed to tug an orgasm free, my legs shaking around his slim hips as my back arched off the bed. My fangs slipped free of his skin as I cried out my pleasure, and my pussy clenched hard around him, sending him right over the edge of the same sweet precipice.

Breathing hard, we lay tangled together on top of the blanket, my skin heated and tingling.

“I wasn’t sure I wanted that to end,” Kas admitted. “You feel like home, Kana.”

“This is home, Kassian,” I whispered. “We’re saving this city, and you’re going to be my king.”

He stiffened a bit above me, and I curled my hand in his hair, tugging him down for another slow kiss. I knew he was still uncomfortable with the idea of joining the royalty he’d always hated so much.

“Think of all the changes we can make together,” I murmured against his lips. “We’ll save the city and remake it into what it should have always been. A haven - not just for one privileged group. For anyone with vampire blood.”

“Is that what little girl Kana dreamed of?” he teased lightly, licking the bite marks on my neck.

I slid my eyes closed, enjoying the buzz of pleasure still running through me. “Little girl Kana dreamed of running away. Being anything but a princess. And when I got exactly what I asked for, I realized just how stupid I was,” I added, unable to keep the bitterness out of my voice.

Not only had I been forced to flee my queendom, I’d ended up as a slave on Earth.

“All of that is over. You’re the lost princess, and together we’re going to find a new dream,” Kas said, propping himself up on his elbow to gaze down at me. “This is where you’re meant to be. It feels right.”

I nodded, realizing his words were true for me. I hadn’t dreamed of running away from this fight, and now that I could see how much was broken in my queendom, I was already beginning to rebuild the city in my mind. There was one more Trial left, and then I would be Queen.

And I would have all the Ancient Magic to use and give back to the people of Saori Sang.

Sitting, I let my eyes wander over the room, taking in all the forgotten items I used to treasure so much. Kas watched me stand and circle the room, staying quiet while I said hello and goodbye to what I used to be.

“This isn’t mine,” I muttered, pausing at my desk, where some scribbled notes rested. The handwriting was small and cramped, crossed out and rewritten several times. Smudges and drops of ink marred the words as I held the pages up to see them better.

“Spells,” I breathed, whirling to face Kas. “Someone was trying to write spells - they look like the ones I’ve seen in theBook of Ice.”

Kas brought a candle closer and we examined the pages together. The spells were incomplete, but maybe I could find them in the book itself.

“Do you think it could help the slaves?” Kas asked, and I nodded.

“Of course, I don’tknow. But yeah, I hope so. This is my father’s handwriting. He was trying to recall the magic - I just know it.” My gut instinct was pinging like crazy. Girard wasn’t allowed to inherit the Ancient Magic because he was male, but he was Grand-mère’s son. The knowledge would still have slept in his blood, the same way it slept in mine.

“Let’s take this back to Rush and figure it all out together. He should see the lab, too,” I said, reaching for my clothes. Wehurried back to the rooms I’d been using as a Trial contestant, but Rush had already woken and left.

“He’s probably with the injured. You stay here and try to figure out the spells, and I’ll find him,” Kas offered.

“I have to figure this out. I’ll do anything to figure this out. We need a goddamn advantage.” I was already willing the book to the surface of my skin as Kas slipped out of the door.

As I flipped through page after blank page of the book, though, my hope began to deflate. Cursing to myself, I smacked the notes down on the table and rose to begin pacing the room. I always thought better when I was moving. Why did I even have access to the book if so many of the pages were blank?

I’d already used each of the spells that were visible, and I didn’t see how any of them would be helpful for reversing the damage Merden had done to the blood slaves.

“Some Queen I’m turning out to be,” I grumbled to myself. Talking out loud to myself, I ranted about how stupid I felt for hoping I’d been making progress. “I can’t believe I thought I could do this. I’m a warrior, not a queen. Certainly not a scholar.”

Pivoting, I noticed the mist had begun to creep underneath the door and gather.
