Page 1 of Royally Owned

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The sun peeks through my bedroom curtains, waking me from yet another restless night. I rub the sleep from my eyes and check the time—6:30 am. Right on schedule.

With a sigh, I haul myself out of bed and pad into the bathroom. The familiar face staring back at me in the mirror is that of a 30-year-old woman who appears confident and self-assured to the outside world. My mahogany skin glows with health, my full lips are always painted a fiery red, and my curvy body turns heads wherever I go. But beyond the facade, I yearn for something more. Something exciting. Something that would make me feel alive again. My daily routine as a high-powered lawyer at one of the top firms in Delmonte has become monotonous. Wake up, work out, get ready for work, spend 10-12 hours at the office, maybe grab dinner with friends, then repeat it all again the next day. The money and recognition are nice, but they don’t fill the void inside me. I want passion. Adventure. A reminder of what it felt like to be truly happy.

With a resigned sigh, I turn on the shower and step under the steaming spray. As the water cascades over my body, I close my eyes and imagine escaping this life I’ve built. Somewhere far away, full of mystery and possibility. A place where I could rediscover myself and maybe even find love again. If only such a place existed. If only I could break free.

I shake off my thoughts and finish my shower. Daydreams won’t get me anywhere. I have a life to live, cases to win, and bills to pay. Adventure will have to wait. For now, at least.

* * *

I finish packing my suitcase and glance at the clock, realizing I only have an hour until my driver arrives to take me to the airport. Time to call Ophelie.

My sister picks up on the first ring, her voice warm and welcoming. “Flore, are you all set for your trip?”

“Just about. I wanted to chat with you before I left. We haven’t talked in weeks.”

Ophelie sighs, the sound tinged with regret. “I know, I’m sorry. Things have been so busy here lately. How is work? Are you enjoying the new cases you told me about?”

“Work is fine.” I wave a hand dismissively, even though she can’t see me. “Forget about that. I’m more interested in hearing how you and Haskell are doing. Any drama I should know about before I arrive?”

My sister laughs, the sound light and carefree. I can’t help but smile. Ophelie has always been the cheerful one, able to brighten my mood with a single laugh. “No drama to report. Everything has been blissfully uneventful. We’re looking forward to your visit though. It’s been too long!”

“It has.” I sink onto the edge of my bed, a swell of warmth and affection for my sister blooming in my chest. We’ve been through so much together over the years, forging an unbreakable bond. She’s my rock, and though we don’t talk often with our busy schedules, I know she’s always there if I need her.

“I’ll have your bodyguard ready to pick you up when your flight lands,” Ophelie says. “We can’t wait to see you, Flore.”

“I can’t wait to see you too,” I answer softly. “Love you, O.”

“I love you too, babe. Travel safe!”

“I will. Goodbye.”

“Bye, sis!”

I end the call and smile to myself, excitement simmering in my veins. Who knows? Adventure might find me in Luxbourg.

I toss my phone onto the bed and sigh, running a hand through my hair. As much as I look forward to seeing my sister, I can’t deny the restless energy thrumming through me. My daily routine has become monotonous and unfulfilling, lacking passion or purpose. I crave excitement and change, a disruption to the mundane that has become my life.

Perhaps Luxbourg will provide that for me. A summer getaway, surrounded by the picturesque countryside and lavish palaces, sounds heavenly. Still, a small part of me wishes for more. Something thrilling and new that would shake up my world.

Shaking off my wandering thoughts, I turn back to my suitcase. What does one pack for a royal vacation? I selected a few elegant dresses, Louboutins, and jewelry. Some gifted by Ophelie over the years. As queen, she has access to the finest luxuries, and never fails to spoil me.

With a careless toss, I add a bikini and coverup for the beach. The private cove by the summer palace will be the perfect place to sunbathe and swim. A pang of longing goes through me at the thought of strong hands gliding over my skin, and the scratch of stubble against my neck. I bite my lip, heat flooding my cheeks. When was the last time I was been touched by a man? Too long, apparently, if a mere fantasy can affect me this much.

I breath out a frustrated sigh. This trip is supposed to be an escape from my worries, not a reminder of what I lack. I have to stop dwelling on romance and enjoy my time with my family. There will be lavish parties and events to attend, where I’ll have my pick of charming suitors. Perhaps one might even spark my interest. With that thought, I finis packing my bags and smiled. Adventure, and maybe even passion, await me in Luxbourg.

* * *

The plane ride to Luxbourg passes quickly, my anticipation growing with each mile. By the time we begin our descent towards the capital city of Lux, I’m nearly vibrating in my seat.

As the plane taxies to a stop, I peer out the window and my heart swells.

* * *

I step out of the arrival gates of Luxbourg International Airport and scan the crowd, taking in the mix of tourists and locals bustling about. A headache starts to form behind my eyes, a combination of jet lag and frustration. I didn’t want to be here. I didn’t ask to be followed around by some overzealous bodyguard.
