Page 67 of Sweet & Spicy

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“Hi,” I said, forcing myself to sit up in the bed.

“How is your pain right now?” she asked, checking my IV drip before wrapping a blood pressure cuff around my other arm.

I did an internal check, relieved when the pain from my memory was nowhere to be found. “A two,” I said. “I’m a little groggy.”

“That would be the pain relief medication we administered when you first arrived,” she explained, nodding as she took my blood pressure and then removed the cuff. “Along with some antibiotics,” she said. “You had an infection from fluid buildup around your liver, but your levels are stable now.”

“Damn,” I said, blowing out a breath. “Is anyone here?”

“Your mother and father are just outside. Your sister too, I believe. There were a few others here last night, but they had to leave since they’re not family.”

That explained where Jim was, even though he was more family to me than my own at most times.

“Do you want me to send them in?”

“Can you give me a few minutes?” I asked. “I need to make a call before I can handle…”

Jillian gave me an understanding look. “I got you,” she said. “The doctor will be in to check on you in about fifteen minutes anyway. I’ll see how you’re feeling then, all right?”

I nodded, and she headed out the door.

I grabbed my phone that rested on the small table next to my bed, expecting to see at least a few texts or missed calls from Jim, but there was nothing.

Dread settled heavy in my stomach, but I hoped that had more to do with me waking up in a hospital than him not checking on me. Surely, he was fine, right?

I dialed his number in a hurry, panic flashing through me about something terrible happening to him on a call or an accident or—

“Hello,” he answered, his voice cold and low but relief still barreled through me at the sound.

“You’re okay,” I said.

“Are you?”

“I’m fine, I think. I just woke up.”

“That’s good.”

“That’s good?” I asked. “That’s it?”

“It’s really good, Anne. I was worried about you.”

“Then why aren’t you here?” I asked. “Surely the visitation can’t be that strict. Tell them you’re my boyfriend—”

“It’s not the hospital’s fault,” he said. “Your father threw me out.”


“Yeah,” he said, his tone all wrong. He sounded angry and defeated and something else I couldn’t figure out. “He wouldn’t let me see you. Then proceeded to blame your entire situation on me and then—”

“Hey,” I cut him off. “We all know my father is a real dick,” I said. “That has nothing to do with you not being here. I’m in thehospital.”

“Anne, I know. I’ve never been so scared in my life when Lyla called.”

“Lyla called you?” I asked.

“Yeah, your boss called me. Not your family. Your father was shocked I was even there.”

“And that’s why you’re not here? Because of him?”
