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Moonlight kisses the smooth edges of muscle lined up in front of me. My brother’s three best friends stand shoulder to shoulder, forming a forbidden dream package I can’t look away from.

Our traditional homecoming celebrations have died down, and I finally have all three alone.

I take a deep breath. Okay. Here goes.You can do this, Mercy.I steel my nerves. This is my chance to push for them to see me as the beautiful woman and not the forbidden little sister of a friend.

All three are after different things. Fresh beers and snacks, I imagine, and not expecting me to amble in behind them.

I’ve given this a lot of thought and I know what I want, so I need to just do it.

I step into the kitchen on bare feet and stop just short of being able to touch Cain’s sculpted shoulders and alphalicious ass. Damn, I love a man who can fill out his pair of jeans. Wait. I’m getting off track. I yank my eyes off the man meat and clear my throat. “I want all three of you to take my virginity.” No meshing words, no playing coy. I’ve done that for years, and I’m no little girl anymore to be hiding behind cute, flirty smiles. I let out a shaky breath. There—I said it, and there’s no taking it back. My heart is racing so fast I fear they can hear it thudding heavily in my chest.

Standing in the kitchen of my family’s lakeside cabin, every part of me tingles and buzzes as three of the sexiest men I’ve ever laid eyes on all turn to stare back at me in complete shock, their original mission completely forgotten.

My brother’s friends from high school and on into college are long since graduated and now full-fledged Marines with the tats and tags to prove it. Three drool-worthy men with angled jawlines, miles of hard, muscled flesh and intoxicating masculinity with only a tiny kitchen island between us. And a small one at that.

Okay, and well, there’s the small detail of my age too, I guess. God forbid I forget that, but I wishtheywould. My fantasies about all three turn filthier the older I get, and at a week before my eighteen birthday, my body can’t takenothaving what it wants.

After a second they start to blink but their mouths are still hanging open.

“I’ve been thinking about it…for…” I swallow past the embarrassment, eyes firmly locked on my folded hands. “…for a long time and I don’t know if I can wait any longer.” That’s not true, entirely. In fact, not at all. I’d wait a lifetime if they asked.

My momma always said I needed a filter between my brain and mouth, but honestly, when has being subtle ever gotten anyone anything they ever wanted? Never is the answer to that question in my experience and when it comes to these men, they’ve never beat around the bush in the years that I’ve known them, so I won’t either.

“Come again?” Cain chokes out, wiping at the spilled beer running down his chin with a nearby towel.

“The hell...” Grant bangs on Cain’s back before his hard, bright blue eyes lock on me. “Not gonna happen. You don’t even know what you’re asking, little girl,” he states, unblinking, and crosses his arms over his bare chest as if the topic is closed.

Beside him, Cain regains his composure, tossing aside the kitchen towel. “What exactly have you been thinking?”

He stalks toward me, his height causing me to crane my neck to keep my gaze locked on his.

I hesitate, sucking my bottom lip between my teeth. Hell of a time to get cold feet, but I can’t find it in me to tell them how I’ve dreamed of tasting each of them on my tongue before taking them with my body.

“Whoa, don’t scare the little thing, can’t you see she’s already shaking?” Lincoln who would usually reach out and pull me in for a hug stands noticeably still. One hand tucked into his jean pocket and the other safely wrapped around a half-empty beer bottle. “Besides,” he slips in, “It’s not like we haven’t thought about it, too,” he says all the while looking me in the eye. I follow the head of the bottle to his lips as he raises it, and I wish it were my clit he was sucking on instead of that damn beer.

Both his and Cain’s hungry looks have my nipples puckered tight beneath my thin tank top and my thighs clenched together under a matching blue skirt that exposes every inch of my tan legs. Needing all the ammo at my disposal, a lot of thought went into the girly summer outfit I picked out for this evening. Three nights ago my brother called with the news he and the boys would be home on leave. Since my parents took off for Washington state for a business meeting that left me as hostess and as all the times before, this means long nights at the cabin around a bonfire by the lake and cookouts like the one I planned this evening. With graduation a week behind me and my brother off with his sometimes girlfriend, I’m left alone with three very handsome men and my actively dirty mind.

Their expressions turn dark, growing heavy with forbidden desire as I press my thighs a little tighter to stave off the throbbing need they stir inside me. A feeling I don’t quite know how to control or ease just yet, but I’m hoping they’ll help me learn.

“I’ve heard the rumors. Everyone has. I know you like to share your lovers.” I raise my eyes to touch each of them. As much as it hurts to know they’ve had other lovers, they’ve never done anything in front of me, but I hear the whispers and see the dreamy looks in some of the girls’ eyes when I’m in town.

“Rumors, huh?”

My eyes flick over to Lincoln’s with a haughty glare. “Girls talk down at the pub. I have ears, ya know. You can’t just blow into town while on leave, have a little fun, and not expect the ladies to talk.” Everyone gathers there to have a steak dinner and catch the town news and “the boys” were the main topic more than once.

“Don’t believe everything you hear, Mercy, baby.”

My eyes narrow on the more muscled of the three. “You don’t need to coddle me, Cain. I’m a big girl now and you don’t need to protect me from the truth. And none of that changes how I feel. I know what I want.” I slip in there while I have all three of their undivided attention.

“Don’t encourage her, dammit,” Grant runs a frustrated hand through his hair. “She doesn’t need any more ideas put into her pretty head.”

Grant’s the older of the three by a few months, and he thinks that makes his word the final word, and well, he has another think coming because I didn’t come here to take no for an answer.

Anyone with eyes knows I’ve crushed on all three men since I was a fresh-faced fourteen-year-old who didn’t understand the feelings and emotions running through her body for one man much less three. And now that I’m older I know what my body wants, and it’s screaming to have all three touch me, lick me and take me in ways that will leave me ruined for any other man. Once I set my mind on something, it will take a hurricane stronger than what this world has ever seen to change me from my course.
