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My hand flies to my hair and I loosen the pencil I have holding my long wall of blonde hair away from my face in a messy bun. Wavy curls tumble over my shoulders and down my back, making them all groan and give away what they’re really thinking.

But if not for that little slip, you wouldn’t know it from the stone-cold face Grant wears like a safety mask against me and what it seems he wants to hide. “Forget it, Mercy. Your tight, sweet ass isn’t getting anywhere near our dicks. That’s a promise.” His words are constricted if not a little forced like he is fighting against every single syllable.

As he talks, he grabs another beer from the fridge and leans his half-naked body against the counter, giving me a full view of all that tight, hard muscle and the dark dustings of a treasure trail I want to run my tongue over.

My gaze drops to the obvious hard-on bulging from between his legs. I don’t know a lot of things when it comes to sex, but I do know whatthatmeans.

Heat of the summer has them stripped down to jeans only and my inexperience sends a flush of scarlet over my cheeks as I drink in their golden, ripped flesh. The popped buttons and low ride of those jeans don’t go unappreciated either.

“Yep. What he said.” Cain claps a hand over Grant’s shoulder, pointing his beer at me. “Jail bait, sweetheart. That’s what you are no matter how fuckable that sweet body is. Can’t happen.” I could always count on Cain telling me the truth while making me feel good. He never did like hurting my feelings and took extra care to protect me.

Being super shy, I never could summon the courage to approach any of them until tonight. Why? Because my time with them is running out. I always flirted and played around with the three of them when they visited. Stolen glances and warm hugs and a few kisses on the cheek here and there have fueled fantasies of something more for at least me, but as I turn to look at Lincoln standing quietly to the side, peering down at me with that dark, broody look of his, I finally realize something. Everything that I feel, and desire, is not all one-sided. They want this as much as I do. Question is, what will it take to push them over the edge and claim me?

“What exactly do you want from us, Mercy, when you drop something like that in our laps?” Linc finally finds his voice and it’s as raw as I feel.

I hope to push them into at least admitting they feel something for me. But my inexperience shines through again as I stay quiet, and my heart crumbles little by little as none of them make a move. For once I should have listened to my mother and not be so damn headstrong. I go to turn, but it’s Lincoln who draws me up short.

I clench my jaw to fight back the hurt and tears. “This was a mistake. I definitely shouldn’t have come on to any of you. I’m sorry.”

“Aww…son of a bitch, come here, baby.” Lincoln passes his beer to Grant and takes me in his arms, pulling me into his warm chest, and I nuzzle deep into his hold. “It’s not like that, Mercy. Just be patient.” His arms are around me, holding me tight, and it takes my lust-craving mind to realize he’s picked me up and I have my legs wrapped around his waist. The heat of his bulge pressing against my bare, starving vagina.

He pulls me up to face him, and I lean forward to rest my forehead against his, our breathing hard and shallow. “I don’t know how to control what I’m feeling inside,” I whisper, digging my hands into his hair. “It burns and aches and all I know is that when I see you, all three of you, it goes away and I can finally breathe again.”

“My God,” he says and then his lips are on mine hungrily. A burst of flavor from his beer hits my tongue, and I’m suddenly more ravenous than I’ve ever been. I groan, tightening my hold around his neck and melting into him as he drags his tongue over mine.

Another hand comes to rest on my lower back, and I’m melting into the wall of heat replacing it as Grant moves my hair to the side and pulls me back to rest against his chest. Spread between him and Linc, he takes the soft lobe of my ear between his lips and sucks.

Shock from the sudden burst of pleasure tightens my legs around Linc and I try to move against his hard length, but a firm grip on my hips keeps me still. “What do you have on under that skimpy little skirt you’ve been teasing us with all day? Thong, silk, lace…” Grant’s voice is gravelly as he runs the tip of his finger along the band of my skirt.

I lick my kiss-swollen lips, still tasting Linc and before I can give an answer, another hand is on the back of my head, turning me. “Cain,” I say softly and his mouth is on mine. He’s just as claiming and heated as Linc, but there’s something slower about the way he glides his tongue over my lips, teasing them open before he enters my mouth.

“Wrong on all accounts,” I pant, breaking away from Cain’s kiss and catching Linc’s gaze. “I’m not wearing any panties.”

Linc shifts, and I know that’s when he realizes I have my bare pussy against his jeans, dry humping his thick cock.

Grant digs his fingers into my hair and turns my head. “You’re asking for trouble. You’re like wild, raw fire…you’ll be the death of us all.”

In all the moving and tugging, my tank has ridden high and so has my skirt, I notice. I close my eyes and circle my hips over Linc’s hard length and marvel in the feel of Cain’s firm, warm lips kissing my exposed midriff just below the heavy ampleness of my breasts.

Enjoying the pleasure of his touch, I work hard to convince my body it’s okay to breathe every few seconds or risk passing out and missing all their gentle touching and delicious kisses.

Slowly, I ease my hand over Cain’s and guide him higher, only to hear a raspingfuckfall from his lips, but he doesn’t stop me.

I moan as strong fingers work and knead the soft flesh, and my nipples scream to be pinched, tugged and sucked. I let my head drop back onto Grant’s shoulder and reach around to bury my hands in his hair, wanting to feel more of him…of…of…I don’t know, just more.

Cain massages and twists the tight tips of my breasts between his fingers, and that’s all it takes to help take the edge off.

“You like that Mercy, baby?”

Linc’s cock twitches at Cain’s question, and I groan my answer as girl cream slips from my slit to wet my thighs and his pants. Without a word, I hold Cain and Linc’s gazes as I edge my pink-tipped fingers down my curves to bury in the soft cotton of my skirt. Inch by inch, I raise the material until the pink, wet flesh of my pussy peeks out from beneath the lacy ruffles.

All three men’s nostrils flare, and I see their massive chests expand as they inhale the scent of my arousal.

“Touch me,” I beg to any one of them who will put me out of my misery. “I need to feel your hands all over me, on me…in me!”

This was no game and no going back from here. Grant is supporting half my weight against his chest, leaving his hands free to roam. He strokes both thumbs in the seam of my thighs, but never touches my greedy vagina.

This is beyond crazy.
