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My heart swings around my ears.

Grant is checking out my ass. GrantfuckingCross is standing in my door checking out myass!

And he’s not alone.


On the outside, I’m fighting to keep it all cool like I always do my yoga out in the middle of nowhere naked with the door unlocked in a ring of candles and incense. Err…okay, this probably looks like I’m summoning hell’s wrath right now, but my home…my rules.

In hindsight, I shoulda locked the door.

Blood shoots to my face, and I’m beet red by the time I gain enough sense to get my ass out of the air and stand up.

On the inside, it’s a whole other story. I’m the freaked-out girl in the middle of a nightmare walking into the school gym butt-ass naked and everyone gawking at me.

Yeah, but being the overachiever that I am, what I think I should do turns into another problem, when my fumbling to stand causes my round, heavy tits to sway. Their sharp gazes hone in on my blushing puckered nipples like starving men to ripe fruit.

I thought I’d forgotten how gorgeous all three of my brother’s best friends were, but Jesus help me I was wrong. The image in my mind hasn’t faded a bit, but it also doesn’t do them justice either. Time and the harsh life of the military has aged them into warriors and not in a bad way either.

In the past I would have run to Cain and thrown my arms around his neck and greeted him with a big kiss. And then worked down the line until all three felt warm and welcomed home. But that was a long time ago.

I plant my feet to the floor and ignore the grin working its way across Grant’s face.

Grant’s rich, brown hair has a faint brushing of silver along the front but his captivating, royal blue eyes are sharp and don’t miss a thing. Age has only made the man more rugged and all the hotter, I notice.

And so does my body, when a flush of warmth fills me.

Those eyes are trained on me. Midnight dark one minute and light as the sky the next like he can’t decide on what mood he wants to settle on—excited or pissed off that I’m here. His jeans wrap around perfect thighs and his green military-issued T-shirt stretches across rippling, tanned muscle that makes me thirsty just looking at him. He could be red carpet material with little effort.

His jaw is clenched tight as he takes in every exposed inch of my body. Those strong hands of his are filled with an array of bags carrying God knows what. Probably a lifetime supply of batteries and coffee if memories serve. My brother always joked Grant never left home unprepared and he was the man you always wanted at your back.

Apparently, that is still true.

From across the room I see a dark flash of something in those once familiar eyes, but the connection is severed when Cain shoulders past Grant with the same surprised look that seems stuck in place for the last several minutes.

A gray beanie is pulled over hair I remember as dark as midnight on a moonless night.

I’m not sure what they expected when they walked in here. It is my cabin, after all. I mean, I guess my bare ass was a surprise, but oh well.


I clench my back teeth in frustration and force a harsh breath out.

Something shared between them has me shivering in the dead of summer in front of a lit fireplace, and I feel it like a wicked caress between my thighs. Thatsomethingis only the feel of old memories, I tell myself. In a surprise turn of events my heart tends to agree with my brain for once.

I’m instantly taken back to the night in the kitchen with Cain teasing me into an orgasm and Grant and Lincoln refusing to touch me where I needed them most to alleviate the pain.

The trek back into the past lasts all of a second and then reality bursts over us, drowning out the heat and swirling me back into my current predicament.

“What are you guys stopping in the door for? This isn’t some lightweight crap I’m lugging. Grant has everything but the fucking chainsaw in here. Get out of the door already.”

Lincoln pushes through the wall of muscles blocking my doorway only to come to a complete standstill alongside his friends, all but pinning me to the wall with his dark stare.

They’re huge, taking up the double-wide doorway with Cain an inch or two shorter than the others, but he’s stacked like a linebacker. They all are. If I still thought like the teenage girl I was once upon a time, I’d say it was one of the reasons I first felt attracted to them. But I’ve grown past that, but yeah, the eye candy is still appreciated.

My breasts heave with my deep breaths and that stirs up more than any of us expect, from the bulges in their jeans. My eyes land there, and I don’t hide the fact either.

“Boys. Decide to drop in for a visit, huh?”
