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I don’t know what exactly has me coming up with that corny line, but I draw it out slowly like I’m the very epitome of sexy. And okay as far as lines go that earns at least a five since it was totally on the fly. I’m working with an empty barrel here, no judging.

None of that changes the fact I’m facing two choices. Flail around and pretend they haven’t seen me at least mostly naked already and make a mad dash for my towel halfway across the room or let them stare at all my curves and dips.

Since I’ll probably trip over every single candle on my way to my towel and then burn down the whole freaking place, I pin my shoulders back and tilt my chin high with the last drop of pride I can muster.

“Are we interrupting anything?”

Lincoln asks the obvious as he scans every inch of the place. When he doesn’t find anything—or anyone—his gaze swings over my body and dips to find my freshly waxed folds.

Lincoln might not be the take-charge kind of guy Grant is, but that doesn’t keep him from stepping out front of the group. “Well?” he asks in a challenging tone as if I owe him an explanation for being naked in my own living room.

“Well, what?” I level back, crossing my arms over my bare breasts. I keep eye contact as all three push deeper into the cabin.

“Are you alone?” he huffs.

“Find out for yourself.” I can’t tell who my words piss off more. Cain, the most laid back of the trio or Lincoln who doesn’t like surprises.

I saunter by them, heading for the stairs and I hear three long, hard inhales. I know each of them smells the new soap of lavender and honey I used and I kind of like knowing they’re getting all hot and bothered even if I don’t know why they are standing in the middle of my doorway just yet.

And that is how it all starts. The thrilling, exciting scariest new chapter of my life.

Hells fire!

I can feel their eyes stroking over the soft jiggle of my ass with each step I take.

Just three more steps.


One loud thud on the floor tells me they’ve dropped all their boxes in unison. Then I hear the front door slam.

Are they following me? Did they leave?

Before I duck around the corner, the urge to look over my shoulder has me turning. I wish I could play a better game because the look in Grant’s eyes tells me that one move lost me the game.

But what his heated gaze doesn’t tell me is why all three are standing in the middle of my living room to begin with.



Not much fazes me, but I’m utterly stunned into silence when I push open the front door to find Mercy bent over, legs locked and ass thrust in the air.

My heart was already pounding at the thought of seeing our girl again the whole drive up here, but what I walk into has my dick turning into solid steel and no way my heart has a chance in hell of recovering.

The girl we knew was beautiful and a cock tease for sure, but from all the angles greeting us now—and damn those are some juicy curves—our best friend’s little sis has turned into a peach of a woman. Ripe and finally ready for the taking.

She stands, her long, blonde hair fanning over her shoulders and back in a wavy mess that has me holding my breath.

I take a quick once over of the room and note there’s only a single bottle of water on a side table. Not two. And one towel on the back of the chair with no stray pair of men’s shoes to be seen by the front door.

Good. I didn’t want to have to bury my fist in some guy’s face and freak Mercy out even more than she already is.

When her mother called us a few days ago with a favor to ask, there was no mention of a man in her daughter’s life, but one never knows. Of course, once we heard the favor was for Mercy, none of us hesitated. We have another two weeks on our furlough and we all agreed this was the best use of our time. Hell, it’s been forever, since we’ve returned and seeing the place again does my soul good and I know the same goes for the guys.

But seeing her is even better.

That truth is written all over our faces.
