Page 104 of The Consigliere

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“You should know better, Killian,” I said as I pulled the weapon from his hand. “Double cross me once. I’m pissed. But do it again and I become unhinged.” With a single twist of my body, the maneuver learned in the military prevailed, the loud crack of the bones in his neck filtering into the room.

He slumped against me, his arms slowly falling to the sides. I let him go and stepped back, giving Max a look.

“That makes number seven.”

“You mean times I’ve saved your life?” I asked as I stepped over Killian.


“Try eight, buddy. You need to learn to count.”

* * *


I stood staring out the window of the penthouse at the huge skyscrapers. While the Big Apple certainly was beautiful at night, the sight of concrete, steel, and glass for as far as the eye could see didn’t appeal to me. Maybe that’s why I’d painted a beautiful landscape. Viper had provided me with a dozen canvases and the most expensive paints and brushes.

He’d also made certain the apartment was stocked with food and wine, even new clothes and lingerie, but this could never feel like home.

I preferred grass and trees and swimming pools. I pressed my hand against the glass, missing him more than I ever thought I would.

He’d told me little about what he was doing, but I knew he was handling Killian in his way, and it gave me the shivers. What if something went wrong? I shoved the thought aside, turning toward my painting. It was almost finished, meant as a surprise for Danny. I’d managed to re-create the scene when he’d saved me from falling from the tree on a summer day. My mother had planted flowers in the backyard, and I remember the way it looked. Including the swing.

We had plans tonight, although he’d yet to tell me what that meant. All he’d told me was that it would be special and that I should be ready at seven. It was already after five and I had no idea what to wear. None. The man and his secrets. And he hadn’t called all day. I was worried sick about him.

When I heard a knock on the door, I instantly bristled. Two of Max’s men had been left as guards, neither of whom I knew but was told I could trust them. I hesitated then eased the brush into a cup, heading for the front door. “Who is it?” I called through the door.

“You have a visitor, Ms. Alexander. She’s secure.”

Hmmm… I couldn’t imagine who Danny would allow to come for a visit. I cautiously unlocked the door to find a young woman standing behind the door with bags in her hands.

She immediately smiled and it was the kind that could light up a room.

“Finally. I’ve heard so much about you. It’s great to finally meet you.” She didn’t bother introducing herself, barging in as if she’d been in the penthouse a thousand times.

“I’m sorry. Who are you?”

Laughing, she placed the packages on the floor, hanging two bags over the back of the couch. “I’m Raleigh.”

“Oh! You belong to Max.”

“That’s a way of putting it. I do.” She threw out her hand and as soon as I accepted the handshake, she pulled me into a hug. “I have a feeling we’re going to be sisters. Well, not by blood but you know what I mean.”

“Oh, if you’re talking about marriage, I’m not sure about that.”

“You don’t know how it works in the mafia world. Viper found someone special and you will be his for life.”

Now it was my turn to laugh. “I’ll take your word for it. What did you bring?”

“Mmm… I was sent shopping to pick up the perfect dress for you for tonight. Naturally, I got one for myself. Since the men are picking us up here, I brought everything with me. Shoes too.”

“Where are we going?”

“Even if I knew, which I don’t,” she cooed, “I wouldn’t tell you because Max would be pretty frosty with me.”

I already liked the girl.

She floated toward one of the bags, pulling out a bottle of champagne. “I brought us bubbly. Since we’re having a celebration, I thought this would be a good start.”
