Page 105 of The Consigliere

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“Now if I only knew what that celebration was for.”

“We’ll find out soon enough. Now, where are the glasses?”

“Honestly? I have no idea.” We both laughed as I trailed behind her into the kitchen, finding the perfect flutes. Once the bottle was popped, the glasses filled, we returned to the living room and she immediately headed for the painting.

“This is incredible. You did this?” Raleigh tipped her head, her eyes twinkling.

“Yes. One of dozens, although I’m certain they were all destroyed.”

“Oh, that’s right. Max told me about Vegas. The mob boss will get what’s coming to him.”

“It’s obvious you know more than you’re telling me.”

Snorting, she laughed and pressed her hand over her mouth. “Max doesn’t tell me the juicy parts, but I can read between the lines. You’ll become very good at that.”

“I’m curious. Did you always love Max?”

“Oh, God no. I hated the man when I first met him. He came rolling into town like wildfire, determined to rule my life. Now I can’t imagine a day spent without him.”

It was obvious she was very much in love. “Don’t you worry about him getting killed?”

“You need to understand, I grew up in the mafia. You learn to push the fears aside. Besides, every day isn’t about fighting an enemy or gaining territory. Plus, Max has legitimized much of their activities. Sometimes, I feel worried or anxious, but when he comes through the door, it’s as if the events of the day fade. But I understand what you’re worried about. However, if you love him then that’s all that matters.”

I looked at the painting, allowing memories to flow. “I do love him. I’ve always loved him.”

“Now I’m curious. What do you love about him?”

My heart raced just thinking about him. “Everything. Danny is the reason I paint.”

“Have you ever told him that?”

Her question was one I hadn’t thought of before. “I don’t think I have.”

“Just a hint. I have a feeling tonight might be the night you need to.”

“You do know more than you’re telling me.”

She giggled, the lilt full of life and verve. Then she pirouetted around the furniture. “Maybe we should start getting ready. Wait until you see the dress Viper picked out for you.”

“He picked it out?”

“Oh, yeah, girl. The man has excellent tastes.”

* * *

As it approached seven, I stood back from the mirror, shocked at the vision in front of me. The dress was a bright crimson, obviously Danny’s favorite color. The deep V plunging neckline was matched in the back, the long velvet dress also with a split on the side, exposing almost all of one leg. It was gorgeous, so much so seeing myself in it took my breath away. Now I truly felt like a movie star.

“You look gorgeous,” Raleigh said. “Like a princess in a fairytale.”

Her words struck me. “It’s not fall or winter. Velvet?”

“Hey, it works where we’re going. Oops!” she said then laughed, closing her mouth then acting as if she was zipping her lips.

I took a swig of champagne and gave her a dirty look. “We might be friends already but that doesn’t mean I won’t get you back.”

“I can tell you will, which is why I know we’ll get along. It’s almost time, Cinderella.”

When she winked at me, all I could do was smile. Having her here had made me feel much better.
