Page 20 of Demanded Submission

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“Okay. You’re the boss man. Have her contact me directly. What if she doesn’t work out?”

“Then let me know and I already gave her your number,” I told her. When she gave me a mischievous twitch of her nose, I waved her off, laughing at her bravado. At least she kept me on my toes.

“Of course you did.”

I strode through the club, doing my single nightly check. Then I headed back to my office to sulk.

Before venturing out to talk with Ginger, I’d sequestered myself behind my office doors for two hours, still trying to process why I’d slipped off the edge of a cliff. For most men, indulging in a beautiful and very young blonde for intense passion would be considered a reason for celebration. So why was I sulking behind closed doors? I drummed my fingers on the wooden surface of my desk as I scrolled through my phone numbers until I found Alexandra’s. I continued to have a sense that she was in danger, although I had no firm reason why the nagging thought remained.

As expected, her car had been totaled, the fifteen-year-old vehicle soon to be put out of its misery. I’d taken the liberty of checking out what I could find on her background, confirming that until recently, she’d been living in Billings, Montana. She had no arrest record, not even a single parking ticket. Thank God, I’d also been able to confirm her age. A ripe old twenty-three. Shit. It still felt like I’d robbed the cradle.

Well, since our encounter was a one time and done, I wouldn’t need to worry about how bad my decision-making processes had been. That didn’t change the fact I’d offered her a job. So far, she’d yet to make contact. I wasn’t certain if I was pleased or offended. What I hadn’t managed to find was anything worthwhile regarding who owned the condominium. It was listed in a company name. I didn’t need to search to know it was a bogus entity, nothing more than a shell to make everything seem on the up and up.

I didn’t think I’d get long odds if I bet Santiago’s accounting minions had paid for the unit as well as several others throughout the city.

Groaning, I closed my eyes and tossed my phone onto the desk.

The knock on the door drew my attention away, and I almost bristled from being interrupted. “Yes?”

Jagger had a sheepish grin on his face as he walked in. “That replacement senator has requested your presence.”

Replacement senator. I almost laughed. Since Marshall Winston had been found guilty of several insidious crimes, his attempt at hamstringing my life and the club had shifted into blissful peace. While I knew little about the man who’d taken his place after a special election other than he’d been a member of the club for several years, with a name like Wallace Collins, I’d labeled him in my mind as a staunch conservative. Since his election, he hadn’t returned to the club. I was curious as to why now he’d decided to approach me and what he had to say.

“Where is he?”

“With his buddies in the Red Room. They waited outside for an hour for it to become available.”


“That’s what I said. Maybe Miami is getting ready to burn down.”

His summation was believable.

His grin forced me to laugh. The suite of conference rooms all had specific names. The Gold Room. The Silver Room. The Red Room. The monikers had been selected after a night of drinking with my two partners. They were listed the same for all three clubs, now made a requirement in the contracts for all franchises. It was funny how the Red Room was selected most often by the members. For some, it meant the warm blush on the bottom of their submissive after receiving a harsh round of discipline.

For others it was a clear warning to whoever was on the receiving end of the required discussion.

Then for others, it meant a dangerous statement that blood could be shed depending on the outcome of the meeting.

I’d learned that the hard way, the single incident outside the club creating a buzz with the police, leading to Senator Winston’s attempts at destroying the club’s reputation. The room was where the most pampered, pompous assholes were catered to until I decided as to whether they’d remain a member. When someone was insistent on the room in particular, I knew trouble could be brewing.

“His buddies,” I repeated as I stood, buttoning my jacket. “I’ll be curious as to who they are.” I’d spent an hour in my private gym in my attempt to work off the continuous flow of testosterone, which hadn’t worked. Even the hot shower where I’d fisted my cock to the point of leaving it raw hadn’t pulled my mind away from my intense desires.

“I figured the senator was just another one of the lifeless few.”

Jagger had a saying for the various levels of members, his creative use of the English dictionary amusing. His reference denoted someone who’d become a member for the sole reason of confessing their illustrious membership, which added credence to their level of wealth and influence. “An excellent judge of character.”

“That’s why you hired me.”

He flexed his muscles on purpose as I walked by, his sense of humor ever present. “Any idea who he brought with him?”

“A bodyguard, the CEO of Welsh Pharmaceuticals, and from what I can tell some piss-ant attorney.”

The combination was interesting and since I was a betting man, I’d say the senator was fishing about the same man who continued to haunt my mind over the last few hours. Diego Santiago. I’d heard through numerous channels that Santiago was attempting to strong arm several smaller pharmaceutical companies, his desire to get into the pain management business widely known. I remained surprised the DEA had yet to get involved, although I wondered if Santiago’s reach was more encompassing than anyone originally thought.

If my assumptions were correct, I wasn’t certain why I’d been called into a meeting. Santiago had been refused membership twice, his reaction certainly not endearing the man in my mind.

I’d been threatened numerous times in my life, including from women who believed I was the sole reason their husband preferred spending time with a submissive. Diego’s threat had been personal, so much so I’d taken it to heart, installing another layer of security around my home.
