Page 21 of Demanded Submission

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I also had an arsenal locked away behind closed doors with enough ammunition to start a war. My fellow college buddies would laugh their asses off if they knew the formal football star had taken up target shooting as a hobby.

“Any word from the girl?” he asked almost sheepishly.

After throwing him a look, I grinned. “No, but you don’t need to worry about the police knocking on our door.”

His gesture of rolling the edge of his hand across his forehead was exaggerated. “Whew.”

I gave him my middle finger, shaking my head as he laughed before heading down the stairs, not bothering to knock on the door before entering. Three of the four men remained standing; only Senator Collins was seated, drilling his fingers on the conference table.

“It took you long enough,” he said, his caustic words amusing me.

“I didn’t realize I was working on your schedule,” I answered. No one came into my club and acted as if their shit didn’t stink. I couldn’t care less about how much money they spent or their connections in the world. Neither meant anything to me.

The obvious bodyguard snorted as if he was a bull in heat. He was a tank in stature, the same size as Jagger but his bulk was comprised by eating one too many cannolis.

“What is it that I can do for you gentlemen?” I asked, not intending on indulging them with but so much of my time.

The entire group except for the bodyguard appeared uncomfortable. When I counted ten seconds of silence, I turned toward the door.

“Wait a minute, Stark.”

The attorney’s voice was gruff and I was already in a piss-poor mood. “That’s Mr. Stark to those I don’t consider a friend.” I shifted toward the man in question, driving my hands into my trouser pockets. I stood several inches taller, a solid fifty-pounds-plus additional muscle.

“Forgive my colleagues for their rudeness, Mr. Stark. I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Donald Welsh, CEO of Welsh Pharmaceuticals.”

I turned to my head toward the man speaking, my photographic memory providing the last article inForbesmagazine, the article championing his successes.

“I know who you are, Mr. Welsh. The question is why you requested this meeting. If it’s about aspects of the club, that’s something my assistant handles.”

“It’s not about your damn club, Stark,” Collins huffed.

Donald exhaled, slowly looking at the man. “As you probably know, Diego Santiago is making a pitch to get into the pharmaceutical business.”

I chuckled. “In a manner of speaking. What does that have to do with me?”

“It’s come to our attention that Mr. Santiago has requested membership in your club.”

“And you are?” I asked the other stiff shirt in the room.

“Parker Redman. Attorney for Mr. Welsh.”

“Mmm…” I said as I rubbed my jaw. I had no doubt where they were going with this. “Let me guess. You want me to allow his membership so you can have an up close and personal opportunity to set him straight about his intentions in complete privacy. Am I correct?”

“That is the general idea, yes,” Redman answered, although far too smugly for my liking.

“While I understand your concerns, gentlemen, I’m not in the habit of playing politics or having the cartel dancing within my club. I prefer to keep my members safe.”

“You have dozens of criminals as members, Mr. Stark. I wonder how your more affluent clientele would take if they knew you allowed mafia kingpins into your hallowed halls.” The smirk on the senator’s face was enough to almost have me revoke his membership. Men like him believed the limited power they’d gained in office precluded them from engaging in the golden rule. That’s why my partners and I had developed what others would affectionately call a little black book of members’ sins.

No one was off the hook unless they were squeaky clean. Admittedly, neither Lachlan nor Grant had been required to use their scathing information but on rare occasions, given the caustic atmosphere Miami had been shoved into over the last few years, I’d found the detailed dossiers quite useful.

I slowly placed my hands on the table, leaning over as I planted a smile on my face. “My guess is about the same as they’d feel about learning their newly elected state senator had a penchant for young men. I am curious. Does Elsie know about your overzealous proclivities?” I was almost never required to go any further than shoving the possible leak of information in their faces. I also never made a claim I couldn’t back up.

“How dare you!” The senator jerked to his feet with enough force it knocked the chair over.

I stood to my full height, smoothing my hands down on my jacket. “I don’t dare, Senator Collins. I deliver. I think this concludes our meeting. Don’t you?”

Mr. Welsh seemed more piqued than before, the lump in his throat growing larger. My guess was the man had a personal reason in wanting Santiago out of the game of legal drugs. However, it wasn’t my cause to undertake.
