Page 33 of Demanded Submission

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She leaned against me, but it was easy to tell her hackles were raised, ready to issue a tart retort. I pressed my hand against the small of her back, glaring at the pompous Russian.

“You are a guest here, Mr. Aleksei and as such, you are not allowed to touch another inside this club. Is that understood?”

He fisted his hand and Austin gave him a hard look. “Forgive my friend. He often doesn’t know how to represent himself in any other manner but what he was forced into.”

Austin’s terse words were followed by Grigori baring his teeth.

“Come, Alexandra. Let’s leave these gentlemen to their business.” After narrowing my eyes and staring at Grigori for another few seconds, I pulled her out and by the time I closed the door behind our exit, she’d headed down the hall, her arms clasped against her chest.

I waited for a few seconds before going after her. She shot her head in my direction as I approached, uncertain of my reaction while knowing she’d crossed an invisible line. I couldn’t be angry with her given the circumstances. She had no understanding of certain protocol. And in truth, I loathed some of the holier than thou attitudes exhibited by far too many of our wealthy clients.

Grigori had crossed a line himself and at some point I’d be forced to deal with his arrogance.

The fact they believed they got a pass for everything they did within the club had become more than just an irritant. I’d tossed out several members for mistreatment of their submissives. I’d also cast out a half dozen others for berating employees.

“I think our tour is over for this evening.” I guided her to the elevator, wanting to get her away from the floor quickly.

Once inside, she turned toward me, fire in her eyes. “Are you going to punish me? Maybe use your belt this time?”

I’d expected her outburst. I crowded her space, taking my time to answer. “Is that what you want?”

“Want? Are you crazy? I mean…” Sighing, she looked away.

I gripped her chin, pulling it back to me. “As I said before, there are rules, but in this case, the man making the demand had no right. Only I’m allowed to punish you, and it would never be because you were pulled into a room you shouldn’t be in.”

“Why? Because I’m just the hired help?”

The elevator doors opened and I shifted my grip to her elbow. While she didn’t fight me, I could tell she was conflicted as to what she’d seen, more so than what Grigori had said. As soon as I walked her into my office, she pulled away, another flash of uncertainty crossing her face.

I thrust my hands into my pockets, keeping just enough distance not to drive her away. “No, Alexandra. Because I never want to make you feel uncomfortable either in your job or around me. There are some men who enjoy acts that you would consider twisted. However, that isn’t why people engage in acts of BDSM.”

“Then why? Is this all about pain?”

“For some, it’s a moment of being able to lose themselves if only for a night. Often, there is no escape from the day-to-day drudgery of the hamster wheel they’re on. Whether they top or bottom, they’re free from their inhibitions, finding pleasure through taking or shedding control. While pain is a part of the lifestyle, for a club of this nature, that’s not the driving force. Nor will I allow it to become one.”

She eyed me warily, nodding once. “I can handle it.”

“That’s not what I want from you or for you, Alexandra. You wanted a tour, but I should have known you weren’t ready. That’s part of my job not only as owner of the club but also as a master dom.”

“So that was… normal in there?” She had more confidence in her words, dozens of questions in her eyes.

“The word normal is relative and different to everyone. What Carnal Sins offers is a facility for our members and their guests to feel unencumbered and be satisfied by other methods than vanilla sex.”

“You mean bondage and flogging.”

“Yes, but there’s much more to it.”

“Were those submissives being abused?”

“That’s not allowed. Entering into the lifestyle was their choice.”

“So those women wanted to be on their knees, treated like some furry pet?”

I dared walk closer. “No, Alexandra. Those women longed to feel pampered and loved. Even when they’re being punished, they will tell you that they felt more adored than ever.”

“That’s crazy.”

When I brushed my knuckles across her jaw, she visibly shuddered. “Is it really?” I purposely lowered my voice.
