Page 35 of Demanded Submission

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“No, I offer advice should it prove to be a prudent aspect of my life.”

“How very astute of you. Do you still break bones?”

“What?” He shook his head, feigning fury but I could tell by the glint in his eyes he was enjoying our conversation. “I can see that you’ve been chatting with Troy. Let’s discuss my pedigree before we go any further. Yes, I used to play football in college, lucky enough to get a scholarship. Three times in my career I made a tackle that cause a few broken bones and the name has stuck with me twenty years later. I’m a scotch drinker, own a Harley and a Dodge Ram. I live on the water, although not in one of those fancy houses you’ve seen up and down South Beach. I don’t have any pets or kids, but who know, maybe one day I will. I don’t appreciate or tolerate pompous assholes, as evidenced by the jerks who accosted you. Oh, and my mother used to call me the apple of her eye. That about sums it up. It’s your turn.”

Talking about myself was more difficult than I could express. “I bet your mother is a hoot. Let’s see. My life is not nearly as glamorous as yours. I was raised on a huge ranch in Billings. My parents were ultra conservative, which meant my brother and I were rarely allowed out of the house, a different kind of leash. I love animals and kids too. I have a degree in elementary education that I’m not certain what I want to do with yet. Hmmm…” I cocked my head, using my resume to bring up the car. “And I used to have a little Corolla that got me from Montana to Florida with no problems, but some asshole decided to tear her apart. That’s about the only interesting thing about me.”

“I think everything about you is interesting, Alexandra.”

Goosebumps popped along my skin. “Why do you use my name? I mean not a lot of people do. They usually say chick or dude after they get to know someone.”

“Alexandra is a beautiful name that fits a lovely woman, and I will never call you a chick.”

I could feel his heated breath all the way across the table, the dark husk of his voice creating little waves of desire rushing through my core. “Speaking of my car.”

“We’ll take care of that in the morning.”

“What does that mean?”

“That means you’ll find out.”

The way he made the statement was a dismissal of the conversation. “That’s no fair, but I appreciate you taking me home.” We sat quietly for a few seconds, but he never blinked.

“What did you think about what you witnessed earlier in Carnal Sins?”

“Truthfully? I don’t know what to think other than I realize the life I’ve lived up until now has been very sheltered. It just seemed… wrong. That might be based on my father’s often irrational influence. He hated everything.”

“Because you don’t understand something doesn’t make it wrong. As I told you before, your job doesn’t entail having anything to do with Carnal Sins. I’m not a monster forcing my employees or women in general into anything they don’t want to do. Besides, I don’t think you have any understanding of what goes on inside a club like mine.”

“You’re right about that. I shouldn’t place judgment on something I have no clue about. But you’ll tell me the truth about all the kinky little acts?”

His laugh sent shivers down my spine. “I have no reason to lie to you about any aspect of the club, Alexandra. I’m not embarrassed in the least about the proclivities people enjoy. Ask away.”

Why was it that every time he said my name my stomach fluttered? “You said there was more to BDSM than cages and whips.”

“Absolutely. The lifestyle is about a power exchange. Usually, one partner is the top or the dom, the other considered the bottom or the submissive. It’s all completely consensual. There is nothing forced allowed.”

“But that happens?”

Even in the dim lighting, I could tell he was troubled by my question. “Unfortunately, yes. That’s one reason there are so many misunderstandings about BDSM.”

I allowed my thoughts to drift to Charlotte. “Then help me to understand the basics. What kind of acts do people enjoy?”

“Bondage is very popular. You also witnessed impact play with aspects of humiliation. There’s pet play, cupping, breath play, anal play, medical play, figging, knife play, praise play, needle play, Shibari or rope bondage, age play, suspension. And many others.”

I had no idea what to say. “Knife play?” I had a feeling my skin had paled.

“Rarely done in truth. We have a structured system in place, so no one attempts certain acts without supervision.” He was studying my reaction, no doubt certain I’d freak out. “Few people are into that anyway. It’s considered very advanced.”

“Wait a minute. There are people who are considered experts in playing with knives?” I felt myself paling, glad the waiter had already returned as he was opening the wine.

“Absolutely. I hire the best in the business. We also offer classes in certain kinks as well.”

A disturbed look must have crossed my face by the way he laughed.

“I assure you that there are strict rules that apply to everyone regardless of who they are or their level of experience. Every room no matter if it’s private is monitored. The lifestyle isn’t about injuring anyone. Is there pain involved? Yes, and some people are considered sadists while others are masochists and thrive on the higher level of pain. However, there is a certain level I won’t allow. The liability alone would kick my ass and shut me down if anything should happen.”

“Has it?” Pain. I thought about the spanking from before and tingled all the way to my toes. I’d enjoyed it. Wow. That was completely insane.
