Page 63 of Demanded Submission

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I walked with him toward the stairs. While he raced down them, I took my time heading to private entrance, where Diego had likely entered. I always had at least one employee on the door in case members had questions or for situations just like this one.

Danner had been left on duty, the son of a man I’d known for almost as long as the club had been in existence. He was a good guy, accommodating the correct word. As soon as I walked closer, he stood immediately.

“Good evening, sir.”

“Danner.” I tried to curtail the continuing fury. “Diego Santiago and one of his men were brought in as guests. Who are the two members?”

He quickly checked the computer system. “Senator Collins and the police chief, who made certain I knew who he was. What an asshole.”

Fuck me. It would seem my buddy, Manuel Gonzalez, the illustrious chief of police had taken the report straight to Santiago. What the fuck was my friend trying to do, issue a warning to stay away from the cartel? I couldn’t rule anything out. For him to be seen inside the club by anyone was risky as fuck. Why would he do that?

I found it interesting he’d shouted to anyone who would listen that he planned on eradicating crime in the city. Including the vicious cartels. What in the hell was going on? While I could go on the assumption either he or his family had been threatened by the brutal cartel leader, I also couldn’t ignore the fact the man I’d respected could have taken a bribe. Did he really think Alexandra was a threat of some kind?

“Where are they?” I snarled.

“Senator Collins asked for the Red Room in particular.”

I almost laughed. A warning had been issued. “That’s all I needed to know.”

Whether this was all about Alexandra or a threat to my organization didn’t matter. Perhaps this was my week to ban members. That didn’t bother me in the least.

There was no hesitation before entering the room. I barged in, immediately turning my full attention toward the senator. “Gentlemen.” I’d used the term loosely, shifting my heated gaze toward the chief of police.

He kept his eyes on mine, refusing to look away. Sadly, that told me he wasn’t under any immediate duress.

“Why, what a treat seeing the club owner in person,” Diego said as he swirled the liquid in his glass. “What can we do for you?”

The fact the man was obviously baiting me, while irritating, also made a statement that either the group wanted my support, or they were afraid of what I could do. While I was curious as to the issue they were facing, at this point I refused to allow it to matter in the least.

“As at least two of you know inside this room, I’m a man of few words. I also don’t like wasting time as my schedule is very busy, my time highly sought after. Therefore, I’m going to make this easy on you, Mr. Santiago. It is not only inappropriate but repulsive that you come into my club as a guest, which is a significant privilege I might add, and attempt to provide payoff to one of my employees. That kind of behavior will not be tolerated.”

Just as I’d finished the words, something Lachlan had said to me years before filtered into my mind.

“You’re like a bull in a china shop, dude. In this world, you need to learn panache and sophistication instead of using all that muscle.”

After I’d laughed in his face, I’d asked him the reason why. For a man who’d been brought up with a silver spoon in his mouth, believing the world to be his personal playground, his answer had made sense. It remained so today.

“Because doing so will alienate your enemies, leaving them in a beautiful fog and they won’t see the strike coming.”

Words to live by.

It was a shame he didn’t take his own advice. I made certain I made eye contact with every man in the room, leaving the chief of police until the last. As least he’d had the good graces to finally look away as if embarrassed. I was a keen observer, and it was easy to tell he was under at least minimal duress. Senator Collins, on the other hand, appeared as smug as he usually was.

He’d likely arranged the meeting if for no other reason than to send me a message that he had more power than his predecessor, my threats meaning nothing.

He didn’t seem to understand I wasn’t the kind of man who could be shoved into a corner.

Diego’s jaw clenched, his dark eyes attempting to hold me hostage. I almost laughed. He obviously had no idea how many situations of this nature I’d been faced with.

“I don’t believe I was doing anything illegal by offering her restitution for her pain and suffering. Was I, Manuel?” He turned his head toward the police chief, purposely using the man’s first name.

“He was making a genuine offer, Jameson,” Manuel stated. While there was no emotion on his face, I noticed a single bead of perspiration trickling down from his forehead.

“That’s good to know, but in my club, my rules apply. Now, please feel free to finish your drinks and your business. You’re welcome to order from the bar in the Blackout Club or within the privacy of Carnal Sins. But make note that after this evening, your guest privileges have been revoked permanently, Mr. Santiago. That goes for your associate as well.”

I’d finally riled him, enough so he started to rise from the table. The senator threw his hand in front of the Puerto Rican.

“There’s no need to be contentious, Jameson. Manuel and I asked for a meeting with Mr. Santiago to try and mend fences with our various organizations,” Senator Collins said casually, as if this was a traditional meeting between corporate moguls. “Your establishment has always been a welcoming respite as to keep concern from outside individuals to a minimum. You do want to keep violence out of our beloved city and from inside your club. Don’t you?”
