Page 64 of Demanded Submission

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I took a deep breath, holding it for several seconds. The backhanded threat didn’t bode well but given I would be out of town for a few days, I had no intention of throwing gasoline on the fire.


“I’m certain our chief of police has a very pointed game plan for handling gang warfare. However, no one has control over any aspect of this club,” I answered.

The smug look on Collins’ face remained, which meant it was possible he’d taken up the previous senator’s cause of attempting to shut me down.

“What a pity you can’t seem to control the violence inside or outside your own club,” the senator added. “I heard about the incident tonight. What a pity your young protégé attacked Judge Garber’s son. He has a broken nose to prove it.”

I almost scowled but could tell he was also attempting to goad me. I laughed instead.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Manuel’s discomfort had changed, as if he was issuing a warning of his own not to indulge in further conversation.

“We all do what we can to keep the peace. Now, as I have other business to contend with, I’ll leave you to enjoy the rest of your evening.” I made another round of eye contact before leaving the room. I hadn’t signed onto this adventure to play political games yet that’s what I’d been faced with over the last five years in particular.

Maybe it was time to diversify.

Hopefully, both Diego and the good senator realized I couldn’t be bought, nor did threats bother me in the least. I hadn’t anticipated being followed but when I heard footsteps seconds after rounding the corner, I abruptly stopped.

“Jameson,” Manuel said as he flanked my side. “We need to talk.”

I tilted my head, waiting for him to launch into the conversation. “I don’t think we have anything at talk about.”

He laughed halfheartedly, scratching his head. “Jesus, Jameson. You don’t want to push this.”

“Push what exactly?”

“Whatever point you’re trying to make. You’re making enemies everywhere you go, including Judge Garber. Why the hell did you have his kid arrested?”

“For attacking one of my employees.”

His eyes opened wide. “That fucking kid has been an issue for two years.”

“That’s your problem. It’s not going to be mine. I think you should reconsider the company you’re keeping.”

“You don’t understand.”

I laughed, shaking my head. While I still considered him a friend, I had no intentions of allowing him to goad me into following along like some lapdog. I closed the distance, my height allowing me to peer down at him. This time, he was intimidated. “I find it curious that you don’t seem to care about the fact Santiago is attempting to get in bed with a state senator. Or is this just business as usual, Manuel? One corrupt politician after another.”

“You’re a smart man, Jameson. The bad blood between the Bratva and the cartel is getting worse. People are taking sides. You can’t turn a blind eye to what’s happening.”

A blind eye. I found it interesting he’d purposely changed the subject.

“How exactly did they get to you, Manuel? We’ve always been straight with each other. You were a man who refused to kowtow to any criminals in this city. What happened? How much did it take to sell your soul?”

He was instantly incensed. “Get off your moral high ground, Jameson. We’ve all done things we wouldn’t rush home and tell our families about. I’m merely trying to keep the peace in a city where war is imminent. Collins might have his issues, but he cares about the city.”

I wanted to laugh but I knew his concern was justified. “Right. I can see that. I own a club, Manuel. I’m not interested in politics or playing games. However, I won’t have rival gangs starting a war in my club.”

“Don’t insult me. I know how much information you have on every member within Carnal Sins. I’m no fool. I’ve watched you use it to your benefit. You’re a very dangerous man, Stark. Did you ever stop to think you might have a target on your head?”

“Are you threatening me, Manuel?” I’d been called many things over the years. Was I dangerous? I had all the qualifications of being a ruthless bastard, but I’d chosen the high road the majority of time.

He chuckled. “I’m a man of the law whether you believe me any longer or not.”

“Then what are you driving at?”

“I’m not driving at anything. But people know you’re sitting on a powerful empire.”
