Page 81 of Demanded Submission

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“Not before I found her sharing special time with a bartender.” He laughed, the sound bitter.

“That’s terrible.”

“I was incensed, of course, becoming the jealous man. I beat the guy before throwing him out. That was the end.”

“But it wasn’t. Was it?”

Jameson laughed. “What I learned much later was that she’d set up the encounter so I’d find her. She wanted to make certain I broke it off.”

“Did she tell you that?”

“No. Another employee did but that was months later. I tried to call Pamela, but she refused to talk to me.”

“I’m very sorry.”

“It was my fault. I’d tried to push her into a lifestyle she wanted no part of, which is why I will never do that with you. The club is my job. It doesn’t need to be my life.”

“But it is your life, something that’s very important to you. I wouldn’t try and take any of that away.”

“You’re wise beyond your years.” He shifted toward me, pressing the tips of his fingers against my cheek. A shiver bolted through my muscles and I pressed my hand against his chest.

“Not really. You don’t know me that well.”

His grin was full of dark hunger. “I think I do. In fact, I know I do.”

“Have you talked with her since?”

“No. She made it perfectly clear she didn’t want to continue a friendship. She left the job. Left the state. Unfortunately, I heard from her brother recently that she died.”

“Oh, God.” Another death. Another tragedy. I couldn’t believe how we’d managed to find each other.

I pulled away, fisting my hand. He’d exposed a part of him that I doubted few people knew about. I wasn’t prepared to do the same. It was far too painful.

“Don’t run away from me as you did from Montana, Alexandra. I’ll never hurt you.”

“I never said you would, but what I went through I wouldn’t wish on anyone.” I heard the edge and the sadness in my voice and cringed. “I’m sorry. I’m not angry with you, just with my life.”

He wrapped his arm around me, tugging me close. I didn’t want to pull away any longer. He’d been the only comfort I’d felt in so long that I melted against him.

“Talk to me, Alexandra.”

I took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds. The feel of his hard body pressed against mine was scintillating, so much so I wrapped my arm around his. “Does your arm hurt from the tat?”

“Just tender. Your gorgeous nipples?”

“They ache.” I wanted so much to share with him everything that had occurred. My fear wasn’t about dredging up the past but about what he’d think of me.

“It will take time.” He said nothing else, merely holding me as we gazed out at the city together.

Suddenly, I couldn’t stand holding back the truth from him any longer. If he thought less of me, then I’d understand. I continued to blame myself and likely would for some time.

“I’ve had a single boyfriend, a guy I met in high school. He was the all-American athlete, determined to perform in rodeos. Tall, muscular, and popular. I was the shy kid with overprotective parents. I was asked to help tutor him in English and we became friends. Then he asked me to my senior prom, which shocked me.”

“It shouldn’t. You’re a beautiful woman.”

“Not in high school.” I allowed myself to laugh. “He didn’t seem to care. We had a wonderful time that continued through the summer after my senior year. I went to a college close to home while he started the rodeo circuit and was very successful. We dated. I was certain we’d marry and have a huge family.”

“What happened?”
