Page 82 of Demanded Submission

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“The more famous he got, the angrier he became. The circuit was brutal, not only on his body but his mind as well. He started being more aggressive, demanding. We argued more.”

His hold became firmer. “He became abusive.”

“Yes. It was little things at first. Breaking a glass, punching a wall, but things escalated. I tried to push him away, but that made him angrier. After the first time he hit me, I said no more. I blocked his number and refused to see him.”

“But he didn’t take no for an answer.”

“No. I went back to him once, but by the end of the night, I had a black eye. By that point my older brother knew what was happening. Matt had been my protector growing up, so he took it upon himself to act like he needed to deal with it. I tried to stop him, but there was no talking to him. He was a rebel, almost landing himself in prison for beating a guy in a bar for touching his girlfriend.” I heard the ugly glitch in my voice and did everything I could to keep the tears away. I’d promised myself that I’d never cry again.

“Baby, you don’t need to say anymore. I understand.”

I broke the hold he had on me, turning around to face him. This time, I pressed my hand against his face, enjoying the feel of his beard. “It’s okay. I need to tell you. The only other person besides my parents who know is Charlotte.”

He placed his hand on my hip, digging his fingers into my skin through the robe I’d changed into. His face was pensive, his eyes never blinking. No one had ever looked at me so intensely or taken me so seriously.

“My brother was a hothead. When he saw my face, he went ballistic. He’d been drinking and I tried to keep him from going but there was no stopping Matt when he set his mind to something. He took my keys so I couldn’t go after him. In my heart, a part of me wanted him to beat the shit out of Daryl, even though I knew it was wrong.” I looked away, struggling with finding the right words. “My parents were out of town, so I waited alone. Matt didn’t come back. I tried calling both Matt and Daryl but neither one answered. Somehow, I fell asleep only to be awakened by the sheriff stopping by.”

Jameson slipped his hand behind my head, wrapping his fingers around my neck. “Oh, baby.”

“I learned that Matt had attacked Daryl. They’d fought. Daryl was left with a broken nose and jaw. Then Matt left. He had a…” A sob tore from my throat, a single tear falling. “He ran into a tree and was killed instantly.”

He refused to allow me to stop him from pulling me against his warm body, cradling me as he rubbed his hand up and down my back. “Jesus. Christ.”

“My parents were devastated and blamed me. That’s okay because I blamed myself. I still do. They bickered constantly and it broke apart their marriage. That’s why I came to Miami. I couldn’t bear to live in the same city any longer.”

Growling, he jerked back, lifting my chin. “Do not do that to yourself. You weren’t to blame for your boyfriend being an asshole or the bad decision your brother made even if he was trying to protect you.”

“I know, but…” My entire body was shaking, the heartache as if it had just happened yesterday. “Why didn’t he listen to me? Why?”

“Because he loved you. He wanted to protect you.”

“That’s why this can’t happen. I don’t want you to get hurt. I care too much about you.” I was trembling, my emotions all over the place. I’d never wanted to be with anyone as much as I did the man holding me, keeping me calm and protected. I hungered so much for him that I ached inside, but the fear had returned with a vengeance.

“Baby. No one is going to hurt either you or me, definitely not ghosts from the past. You need to hear something. You managed to do something that I never thought would happen again. You stirred my heart. Then when I least expected it, you grabbed ahold and refused to let go. Now, I know you’re thinking that we haven’t known other long enough, but I am the kind of man who knows what I want and from the moment you crashed into my life, you’re all I’ve been able to think about. If you dare try and run away from me, I will find you.”

I grasped his shirt, clinging to him as another tear rolled down my cheek. “I didn’t expect you in my life. I’m falling in love with you and that scares me to death.”

He lowered his head, allowing his hot breath to cascade across my face. “Don’t let it. I’ll catch you when you fall.” As he slipped the tip of his finger through the tear, his eyes narrowing, I could see such love in his eyes that I was taken aback. He slid his finger into his mouth, issuing a low and husky growl. “Always.”

As he captured my mouth, I closed my eyes and shoved all the memories away. He held me gently, aware of the piercings when I honestly didn’t care about the physical pain. It was nothing in comparison to the emotional anguish we’d both been through. I slid my arms under his, pressing myself tightly against his chest as he thrust his tongue inside. Just being in his arms felt safe, as if nothing and no one could ever hurt us.

The moment of passion shifted into something even deeper. This wasn’t about sex as much as it was about a connection that needed nurturing, like a beautiful flower requiring water and sunlight in order to survive.

He swept his tongue back and forth across mine, every action demanding yet not forceful. I was lightheaded, no longer capable to thinking about anything else but the time we were spending together on such a glorious night. My legs trembled, my panties soaked from the longing spiraling through me.

When he slipped his arm under my bottom, lifting me into his arms, he refused to break the kiss. Every move deliberate, he took long strides into the suite, easily finding the bedroom. He finally pulled away long enough to ease me to the floor, yanking the sash on my robe.

His expression now carnal as he rolled the silky material over my shoulders, allowing the material to drop to the floor, he shook his head. “Magnificent.” He cupped my breasts, being careful to avoid my nipples, but I could tell his mouth was watering.

“You make me feel that way.”

After nipping my lower lip, he backed away, taking his time to remove his clothes. I never tired of seeing his sculpted body, muscles that cried out to be caressed. His cock was fully engorged, his balls hanging low, creations of utter beauty.

When he approached, I was unable to resist tracing the beautiful image on his upper arm, watching his reaction. “This is perhaps the most special thing anyone has done for me in my life. When do I get one?”

“Oh, no. Piercings only.”

“So, I’m still under your rules,” I teased.
