Page 17 of Scandalous Liaison

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Morgan shook her head. “You look stunning. Divorce has been good for you.”

“I wouldn’t recommend it for your pocketbook.” I immediately searched for a waiter.

“Ugh. Expensive attorney?”

I glanced at Stella and shook my head. “Try spousal support.” My thoughts drifted to the pearls all over again, which was ridiculous. The bastard had actually found the nerve to ask for them back, along with my engagement ring. I’d refused both requests, although I’d enjoyed tossing out the rest of his things on the sidewalk of our condo with a ‘free to good home’ sign on them. By the time he’d made his way over in his Lexus, almost everything had been picked clean.

“No!” all three exclaimed at the same time.

“Unfortunately, yes. Christian had a down year, and I think the judge was one of his buddies.” I glanced around the bar, growing thirstier by the minute.

“That’s horrible. We should come to Atlanta and make certain Christian knows how we feel about that,” Morgan teased.

“Where were the three of you when I needed you. I’m going to get a drink. Obviously, I’m way behind.” They laughed and I headed for the massive bar. That was the moment I knew wine wasn’t going to cut it for the evening. I craved something stronger. While the entire bar was crowded, I was easily able to find enough elbow room to try to garner the attention of one of three bartenders.

I could tell almost instantly I was being checked out by several guys. I would ordinarily not mind, but this was a girl’s night out after all, no matter what my three besties thought. After a few seconds, it felt as if I had the creepy crawlies. I glanced over my shoulder, noticing four guys were sizing me up and if I didn’t know better, I’d say they were taking bets on whether the chosen one would convince me to have a drink, a dance, or more.

The game was one perfected in college, cash even exchanging hands. I was insulted, shaking my head the second I noticed one of the four getting up from his chair, raking his fingers through his hair and swaggering toward me.

I adored a man with confidence, but when one walked as if he owned the world, that meant he had no clue about who he was or what he wanted to be in his life. Exhaling, I returned my attention front and center, smiling as a handsome bartender approached.

“What would you like?”

“Vodka martini. Very dry. Four olives. Make that with Stoli.” Maybe the Russian vodka would allow me another private moment of my lurid thoughts regarding Mr. Mile High Club.

“You got it.”

When a warm body slid next to me, I bristled, incensed by the man’s cologne almost instantly. Why was it that guys thought they should slap on a half bottle of cheap aftershave and women would find that sexy?

“What’s a girl like you doing alone in a joint like this?” the guy asked.

“Does that really work for you?” I asked without bothering to look at him.

“Does what work?”

“The ridiculous one-liners.”

He grunted as if he was offended. “Hey, it looked like you needed a drink. I thought I’d buy you one. You don’t have to be such a bitch.”

The dude did not just call me that. I took a deep breath, waiting as the bartender placed the cocktail napkin then the drink in front of me.

“Would you like to run a tab?” the bartender asked.

“See the table of hot women over there?” I cooed on purpose, waiting as the bartender shifted his attention toward my friends.


“Put whatever they’re having on my tab and keep them flowing. We are all four hot, powerful women who run our own destinies.” I could tell the bartender realized what I was doing, his grin as evil as my thoughts of sticking the cocktail stick in the offending jerk’s eyes.

“You got it. I’ll send a waiter over shortly.”

I winked at the man then took a sip of my drink.

“How about a dance? You can dance, can’t you?”

The guy was begging for a hard swing.

Using my teeth, I pulled off one of the olives, chewing and swallowing before tipping my head in his direction, purposely dragging my tongue across my lips. The flight had certainly broken my crappy mood. “Do you mind not standing so close?” I asked after he continued to crowd my space.
