Page 18 of Scandalous Liaison

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“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Or is that too bitchy for you?” I glanced into his face, keeping a polite smile. I knew I was off my game and likely being a little too harsh with the man.

The jerk made another mistake, clamping his meaty paw around my forearm. I glanced down slowly as I pushed the drink away, flexing the fingers on my other hand. There was no sense in wasting such a delicious treat, even if tossing the liquid in his face would suit my mood. Instead, he’d get a piece of my… fist.

I suddenly felt another presence behind me and stiffened.

Whoa. Hold on. I was instantly lightheaded. It wasn’t possible that my wish had been granted. I fisted my hand, licking my parched lips. Then I heard a jealous, extremely possessive growl as if coming from a predatory animal.

I would know the scent anywhere as it had remained in my nostrils during the trip from the airport, one of the reasons I hadn’t wanted to take a shower. I didn’t waste any time with acknowledging Mr. Mile High’s presence, choosing to throw a punch. I was shocked when he managed to snag my fist, pushing my arm down with ease.

Snarling, I snapped my head in his direction. His eyes were twinkling in amusement. Mr. Mile High in the flesh and blood. And looking far too delicious. Yet, the commanding look on his face reminded me of his sparkling personality. He wasn’t just an arrogant bastard. He was a sublime egotistical maniac but at this moment, I adored that about him.

“I’m so very sorry I’m late, my beautiful flower. Is this man bothering you? Business kept me for a couple hours longer than I anticipated. I knew you were with your friends, but I didn’t think that included a slime bag.” The look he threw Mr. Slime Bag was one I’d remember for a long time.

As if he could break the man’s arms and crush his spine for daring to look at me.

“Who the fuck are you calling a slime bag?” The jerk puffed up, his nostrils flaring.

“He is bothering me, but I can handle him. You know how I am or at least you should by now.” Mr. Mile High Club’s voice had me tingling all over again, but I kept my tone harsh on purpose. What were the odds that he’d ended up in the same bar and the same hotel I was in? About as much as winning a lottery or receiving praise from my father.

I could smell deceit a smile away and the stench now was definitely rancid. Still, the thought of parading him in front of my father kept a tingle coursing through me.

“Daddy. You wanted me to find the perfect husband. Well, I think I did just that.”

Now I just needed to find out Mr. Mile High’s net worth and I could be golden.

What are you doing? Are you crazy?

“Yes, I do, but does he know who you are? The better question is does he know the kind of jealous man that I am when I’m around you?” My mystery lover’s smile was full of dirty innuendoes.

“I was here first.” Mr. Slime Bag was adamant.

Both Mr. Mile High and I sighed at the same time. Then my mystery fling had his hand wrapped around the jerk’s throat so fast, slamming him against the bar, I was as startled as everyone else. Those around us backed away while the jerk immediately looked as if he was going to have an aneurism or a heart attack.

Mr. Mile High kept the pressure, using his brute strength to lift the jerk to his toes. I couldn’t help but smile. How could a girl not?

“So, here’s how we’re going to play this. I’m going to pretend you didn’t touch my girlfriend. In doing so, you get to live. However, if you or one of your buddies dare attempt to talk to her, bother her, or even look cross-eyed in her direction, I will return. Do you get what I’m saying?”

“Fuck you.”

Oopsie. I could tell my mystery man didn’t like the jerk’s answer. He squeezed with such minimal effort that I could tell Mr. Mile High had been trained in the art of torture.

“One. Last. Chance,” he snarled, squeezed until the man was wheezing then let off the pressure.

The jerk tumbled forward, smacking his hip against one of the barstools. Then he righted himself, rubbing his neck while coughing and wheezing.

Mr. Mile High tipped his head, giving me a salacious look. I gave him a nod of respect. While his Neanderthal behavior should annoy me, it had been a long time since any man had acted chivalrous around me.

“Sorry, man,” the jerk managed. “I wasn’t trying to poach.”Cough. Cough. Cough.“All she had to do was to say she was here waiting for someone.”Cough. Cough.The unwanted asshole held up his hands, backing away.

I continued to keep my smile, trying to figure out why my mystery man’s presence was unnerving. When the other guy was gone, I turned around to face the stunning hunk, giving him a hard glare. “For a man who enjoys being anonymous, you certainly do get around. I will have you know I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

Mr. Mile High crowded my space, drinking in my perfume. “Without a doubt. However, I do enjoy putting a pig in his place.”

“Who do you think you are?” I demanded.

“A man claiming what already belongs to him.”
