Page 3 of Scandalous Liaison

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I headed toward the car, crouching over and peering in through the window. Gunner was tough, still struggling to unfasten his seatbelt while enduring significant pain.

He grunted when he saw me, struggling to turn his head in my direction. Blood ran down his face from where his forehead had been slammed into the steering wheel. Sadly, I didn’t feel bad for him in the least.

“Gunner. You have about fifteen seconds to bargain for your life before it will be placed in the hands of your maker. Who were you working for?”

He gritted his teeth, his eyes dilated from extreme anguish.

“Fuck you.”

“Eleven, but who’s counting?”

“Your father was a pig. I’m glad about what I did.”

Sighing, I shook my head. It was always a risk attempting to get information from a traitorous son of a bitch. I crawled in through the window, easily able to see the fear of God in the man’s eyes. Then I simply reached underneath him, finding his wallet in his back pocket. As I snatched it away, I noticed the first flicker of fire coming from under the hood.

It would seem my calculations were off slightly.

“It’s your lucky day, buddy. Five additional seconds. Tell me the name of person who hired you and I’ll pull you to safety.”

“Go fuck yourself.”

“O-kay. So be it.” I backed out, standing just outside the door as I glanced into the man’s wallet. He had the typical items, with a single exception. He had a weakness, gambling. Only he was smart enough not to gamble on my father’s thoroughbreds, which was against the rules.

However, the name on the receipt was enough to draw a correlation, a syndicate on the other side of the country considered an enemy.

It was far too coincidental and there was no such thing in my world.

“Get the fuck away from there, boss,” Grayson yelled. “It’s gonna blow.”

“I have plenty of time.” I grinned, holding onto the receipt then tossing the wallet over my shoulder as I took slow and easy strides toward where Grayson was standing. The look on the man’s face was priceless.

I heard a slight rumble first. Then I smiled.

The explosion shoved me backward by several feet, but I remained standing as billows of black smoke roared in my direction.

“Jesus. Fucking. Christ,” Grayson hissed, immediately backing away and shielding his face. When I moved beside him, he glared at me as if I’d lost my fucking mind.

I’d done that a long time before. Or maybe the fact I’d felt nothing inside for years allowed me to not only participate in but enjoy risky behavior.

“You have a fucking death wish,” he hissed, eyeing the receipt as I handed it to him.

“That’s what I’ve been told.”

“What the hell is this?”

“My father taught me many things, Grayson, including the fact that every man has a weakness, especially when they have a family. Find Rutherford Warrington’s weakness.”

“Who the fuck is he?”

“The person responsible for my father’s death. And I’m going to crush him where it counts.”


En route to San Francisco


“Whew,” I whispered, a smile crossing my face.
