Page 4 of Scandalous Liaison

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A tall man with muscles that went on for days had grabbed my attention, holding it from the moment he’d walked onto the airplane. I hadn’t seen him inside the airport. Maybe I would have asked him if he’d like a drink. I certainly would have noticed someone with such engaging dark eyes and obsidian hair so thick all I could think about was running my fingers through it while he fucked me long and hard.


My God. The word just wouldn’t leave my mind. Maybe partaking in a double vodka martini at the airport hadn’t been the best idea. Either I was already half looped given nerves and exhaustion from the long hours I’d been working, or I was seriously in need of a quick one-night stand. Hold up. I’d sworn off men long before the ink on my divorce papers had been final.

However, that didn’t mean tasty eye candy was off the table completely. Did it?

As the tall, dark, and dangerously handsome man clenched his jaw, glancing at the rows of first-class seats, I gave him a solid ten on looks alone. However, I sensed his aggravation from where I was sitting, an irritation I had a feeling would turn ugly within seconds.

The man was drop dead gorgeous, holding the kind of desirable and sophisticated aura that appeared on the cover of romance novels. It was impossible not to notice him, especially since he suddenly popped onto the plane at the last minute, the flight attendant very obviously interested in the man. What woman wouldn’t be? He was the epitome of eye candy.

Sophisticated in his nicely tailored charcoal suit.

Stunning with his dark wavy hair and intense blue eyes that were easy to see from row five of first class.

Surrounded by an aura of power and danger, which elicited dark and filthy fantasies.

Bad girl. Bad… girl.

Then I couldn’t help but notice I’d been correct in that he was highly irritated with whatever the attendant was telling him, which was an instant turnoff. His harsh glare presented the ugly side to him. I deducted four points for that alone. There was nothing worse than an arrogant asshole.

“Just let me get to my seat,” he said gruffly and far too loudly, as if trying to make a scene. “Why can’t they hire decent help?” He remained standing, tossing what looked like a laptop bag into the furthest seat across the aisle. Groovy. The man was going to be within striking distance if he got unruly.

Three more points had been ripped away the moment he’d opened his mouth. At this rate, he’d be spiraling into the toilet before the plane got off the ground.

The flight attendant smacked her hands on her hips, shaking her head. I could read her lips easily when she mimed the word ‘asshole.’ Then she noticed I was watching her and a flush crept across her jaw.

I grinned and winked.

“Be careful, buddy. Karma will kick you in the ass,” I said without bothering to look at him.

“Excuse me?” he barked with all the gusto of a crocodile on steroids. He had human prey on his mind. That was easy to tell.

“You know what they say about treating people badly on the way up,” I cooed, aware the attendant was listening to every word, the bottle of Kristal in her hand to refresh my glass.

“Why don’t you enlighten me?”

“They get to dismember you on your way down. I’d sell tickets.”

The attendant could barely contain her laughter, turning her back on him completely. This time, she mouthed ‘thank you.’

Exhaling, I took another sip of my champagne, quite frankly eager to take off. And it had nothing to do with Mr. Asshole. While I appreciated the sinful images floating in my mind, I was eager for the flight to be over with completely. I turned my head toward the window, glaring at the ominous-looking clouds, my stomach already churning.

While economy class was full, the area where I was sitting had only four other passengers. When I heard a rustling sound, I turned my head once again, hoping for a quick refill before the pilot took off. Instead, I was rewarded with a delicious vision of the passenger’s shapely butt as he shoved his carryon in the overhead bin. I had to admit, whoever his tailor was needed a raise.

When he slipped into the seat only a few feet away, I took a deep breath. It would be difficult not to snag a few glances in his direction.

Even if he was a jerk.

“Would you like another drink?” the flight attendant asked as she crouched over next to my seat. “We’re going to be a few more minutes before takeoff.”

Crap. The meant the radar tower was watching the storm.

“I’ll have a Macallan. I assume you’re sophisticated enough to provide that for your first-class passengers on this flight.”

The flight attendant did her absolute best not to alter her pleasant expression. So I reacted for her, rolling my eyes. “Hey, pig boy. First of all. She wasn’t asking you. Second and much more important, didn’t your mama ever tell you that good things come to those who are nice?” I put as much attitude into my words as possible.

“Pig boy?” he repeated as if highly insulted.
