Page 43 of Scandalous Liaison

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“Oh, I plan on it.”

“You’re on my hit list.”

“Whatever you say.”

Her singsong voice was another reminder I’d be entering shark-infested waters soon. I couldn’t believe I’d gone to the trouble of speaking with my attorney in Atlanta, having him draw up a simple yet ironclad contract. I had to be out of my ever loving mind. I shoved my phone into my purse, trying to remain patient, but it felt as if I had a slight noose around my neck. Maybe I was being overly dramatic, but the strange events had put me on edge.


They bordered on something straight out of a novel. The saddest truth of all was that I’d felt more alive in Kendrick’s arms than I had my entire adult life. What did that say about me?

I glanced at the console of the rental car, noticing I was supposed to be meeting with Kendrick in less than ten minutes. I’d cut it way too close, but what little I’d found on the man had been pieced together more than anything. He was very private, unlike his kingpin father. What was I saying? From what I’d read, there was little difference between his dad and mine, which meant his presence hadn’t been an accident.

Goddamn it. I was usually a much smarter woman than to fall into a trap. Sadly, Kendrick had used the fact I was lonely, his looks, and my needs against me.

And I’d fallen smack in the middle.

What I’d found most interesting was that I’d discovered a single grainy picture from something taken years before. From what I could tell, it likely a situation where no one in the photograph knew they were being captured for history. The story on the family was as intoxicatingly romantic as it was telling on their current criminal status.

His father had crawled his way out of a Philadelphia gutter, his family poorer than church mice. He’d studied hard in school, gotten a scholarship, and worked three jobs while making the dean’s list. Then he’d met and married the love of his life, building an empire slowly in the rich Kentucky fields. Bourbon. Horseracing. Real estate. Wine. The man had dabbled in several things over the years, all of them making him and his entire family wealthy.

However, twenty years before, reports hit the airwaves regarding extortion and blackmail, illegal gambling and drugs, the corporation being investigated by the FBI, the DEA, and ultimately the CIA given the family’s international connections.

Sounded way too familiar.

Where was the firstborn son in all of this? Even on the corporate documents, his name wasn’t listed. Then again, only the CEO and the registered agent were required to be provided on the state records, but why not tout the son’s abilities? That led me to believe that whatever position Kendrick held in his father’s company was less than stellar, as in perhaps he handled the darker sides of the business, the illegal activities.

Was that any different than what Steinbeck did?

A laugh bubbled to the surface. The fruit didn’t fall too far from the tree. In my case, I was talking about myself and the fact I’d been attracted to a very dangerous man. Okay, so he’d told me as much early on. Did that make what hehadn’ttold me acceptable? Not a fucking chance. The man was preparing to use me in a blasphemous game. Maybe I had a little loyalty to my family after all, refusing to allow them to be made out as a scapegoat or worse.

If I had any salt, I’d stay and lure the man to his demise, but I wasn’t in the mood to play prickly games with a shark in infested waters. That would only lead to additional heartache.

I opened my window to see if I could hear details of what was going on. At least the young man working in the hotel was headed my way. “What’s going on?”

“I’m sorry, miss. Malfunctioning gate. Maintenance is on the way. It could take twenty minutes or so. I’d return to your parking spot and grab a drink at the bar or a bite to eat.”

A little early in the day for an alcoholic beverage. Plus, I couldn’t risk running into Kendrick. What was I supposed to say to the insufferable man, other than cussing him out for lying to me? Okay, so maybe he hadn’t officially lied, but he’d certainly neglected to tell me the truth about his identity.

“Thank you.” My tone was a little too… conceited I was completely off my game. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, trying to figure out the best plan.

The two vehicles in front of me started maneuvering to turn around. Once they’d moved, I noticed given the size of the rental car, I could squeeze past the extended gate arm with plenty of room to spare. Not a bad idea. I glanced into the rearview mirror. The attendant was talking with the other drivers behind me. Oh, why not? It wasn’t breaking any law.

I threw the gear into drive and headed toward the space. After managing to squeeze through, I shot forward, eager to get the hell out of San Francisco. That’s the moment a sleek older convertible in shocking red pulled right in front of me.

Even slamming on the brakes, I came within inches of smashing into the side. What the hell was wrong with people? Before I had a chance to react, including getting out and giving the driver a piece of my mind, the person crawled out, taking long strides in my direction. The man’s figure was huge but even though the sun was in my eyes, my sixth sense kicked in and my stomach started doing flips. The driver’s wafting scent was far too recognizable. Oh, no. My luck had dropped straight into the toilet. That’s the moment another wave of anger kicked in. How dare the man.

Now I was ready for a fight, throwing open my door and climbing out. When Kendrick grabbed my arm, pushing me against the side of the car, I snarled.

“Going somewhere,prekrasna kvitka?”

“Kendrick. What the hell are you doing?” I spat out, able to see his big, fat grin.

“Ensuring you hold up your end of the bargain. In my world, a deal is a deal with a verbal agreement. I’ve won in court twice from my word alone. Care to try me, princess?”

As soon as I’d felt another presence flanking our sides, I knew this entire thing had just been another setup, a part of a game. I turned my head, glaring at the attendant who’d given me a line of shit. His grin told me everything.

“Thanks, Juan. Just have this returned to the spot for me but if you will, have her suitcases placed in my room,” Kendrick instructed with a lilt in his voice.
