Page 44 of Scandalous Liaison

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“Fuck you,” I said under my breath.

Kendrick wagged his finger, lifting a single eyebrow.

“Yes, sir. I’ll take care of it, sir.” Nodding, the attendant walked away but not before the two of them exchanged looks.

After the attendant had left, Kendrick yanked me onto my toes, his fingers digging into my skin. “Sweetheart, I suggest you get used to the fact that I’m not backing out now. We have too much to lose.”

“Then you’re going to need to tell me what you want with my father.”

He took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds. Then he allowed it to slide across my jaw. Electric prickles danced across my skin, enough of them that I had to fight to keep from visibly quivering in his hold. Thank God I was successful. The man thrived on weakness.

“All in good time. After we get to know each other, princess.”

“What are you going to do, handcuff me to your bed?” I asked, half laughing as I tugged my arm. His hold was far too strong. Damn him.

“Don’t tempt me, sweetheart.”

“Don’t call me your sweetheart. Or princess or anything else. You don’t own me.”

“As a matter of fact, I do.”

I closed my eyes briefly, trying to curtail my anger. The audacity of this man was unbelievable.

Don’t kid yourself. You’re loving this.

Fuck my inner voice.

“You’re a criminal.”

“So is your father,” he said in his suave voice, the one that said he remained in full control.

“Yours kills people for a living.” I was fully cognizant we were being watched, scrutinized even but I wasn’t certain I cared.

“Are we really going to do this now, princess? Or would you prefer to handle comparing notes on our respective families over a drink?”

“Like I said, I’m not your princess. Second, I’m not going anywhere with you.” After managing to jerk out of his hold, I skirted away from him. Seconds later, he yanked me back with ease, towering over me like a man possessed.

Or obsessed.

We were both breathing heavily, as if the wanton desire would be our undoing. I had to admit, envisioning his naked body had been difficult to ignore, especially since he’d carried me to the shower, scrubbing me clean after fucking me hard and fast.

I licked my lips in appreciation of the memory before I realized what I was doing.

“That’s where you’re wrong, sunshine. We have a deal, soon to be a signed contract. You will honor the exclusive terms, or I assure you that my attorney will make mincemeat out of your family. And I’ll ensure your father is made well aware of the deal we entered into. Given my father and yours were considered enemies, that should allow him to fully understand where his daughter’s loyalties lie.”

Were. Another reminder his father had been murdered.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

He jerked me onto my toes, yanking off his sunglasses and giving me an explosively passionate look of desire that fantasies were made of. “I assure you that I never joke about business. Besides, sunshine. It would seem that our entanglement had fulfilled the fantasies that kept you awake at night utilizing one of your many toys you keep in your nightstand.” He gave me that look as if he knew a secret. Unfortunately, he was right. I had a massive collection.

My fucking God, the blatant arrogance.

“Get a room!” someone finally shouted.

I almost burst into laughter when both of us lifted our middle fingers toward whoever had the deep voice.

“You son of a bitch,” I gritted out. “What makes you think I won’t tell my father myself? And what makes you think they won’t escort you off the property at gunpoint?”
