Page 58 of Scandalous Liaison

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He took a deep breath and presented me with one of the glasses of bubbly. “If I could do so without causing you irreputable harm, I would teach Christian Caffrey a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget.”

“You’d torture him, cutting his fingers off perhaps?”

“Oh, I assure you,prekrasna kvitka, there are things that can be done to the human body that no one can see that are some of the most painful experiences in life, and also permanently damaging. I find the constant nagging reminder a reason for those who betray me not to do it again.”

“You enjoy inflicting pain.” I took a sip of champagne, uncertain of how I felt any longer. I was crazed by the notion that this man was flippant about his desire for violence, yet on the other hand, I was thrilled by his desire to hurt someone who’d nearly crushed my soul.

“I do what’s necessary. That’s what I was taught.”

“Just like my brother.” I couldn’t look the man in the eye. I couldn’t even find words that would make our attraction appropriate, let alone what we were doing. I continued fingering one choker after another. “They are exquisite.”

Kendrick leaned over. “I promised you a collar and leash. At least for now, I can make good on half of my promise.”

“Why? I need to know exactly the reason why or I won’t select one.” Now I was able to lift my head, staring him directly in his shimmering eyes. It seemed that every room and every location we walked into, the lighting was kind to him, highlighting all his best features and attributes. Maybe he didn’t have any bad ones.

Except for the fact he was a killer. There was that.

His expression darkened. “Because I want everyone to know I own you.”

The answer was honest, succinct, and satisfying.

I lifted one, studying the finely crafted work of art, diamonds so perfectly clear that they held a slight iridescent blue hue. Then I eased another into my fingers, the rigid design the clearest reminder of an actual collar. I could hear his breathing shift when I’d selected the one in my hand. “This one is perfect.”

“Yes, it is. If you’ll allow me to place it around your lovely neck, I would be honored.”

He’d either been raised to express two entirely different personalities or he was an extraordinary actor. Either way, I felt special for the first time in as long as I could remember. How sick was that? After placing the flute on the glass surface, I turned around, lifting my hair. He took his time placing the expensive bobble around my neck, his fingers brushing across my skin several times as he fastened the hook.

Shivers coursed down my spine, which was what he wanted of course. When he wrapped his hand around my throat, pulling me against him, I was able to feel how aroused he’d become. And I’d never felt more like a possession in my life.

“You are truly beautiful, my sweet fiancée. I hope this will prove to be a symbol of our time spent together that you will learn to value and appreciate.”

There was a hidden message in his words. I was certain of it. He squeezed for a few seconds, leaning over and pressing his lips against my cheek. Then he took a deep breath and backed away.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to speak to Carlos for a few minutes. Enjoy the champagne.”

What would he need to talk with a jeweler about? Of course this was about business, dark business.

As he walked away, I noticed the outline of his weapon and shuddered all over again.

Someone was going to die on this adventure we were on. Of that I was certain.

* * *


Carlos was a formidable man hiding in plain sight in nothing more than a richly tailored suit. His son, Reno, had worked with him for several years, long enough I’d seen him grow from a lanky kid into a fine-looking young man. How many trips had I accompanied my father on under the guise of purchasing a treat for my mother while also handling aspects of business?

Few knew about Carlos’ earlier life, the one his wife had begged him to leave. He’d always been into precious jewels, his business catering to the rich, famous, and ruthless men and women across the globe. In his early days, he’d been a hired gun for a family who’d basically adopted him from the streets. In fact, he’d been the man I’d spent several months with the year I turned eighteen. My father had wanted me to learn from the best, as he’d told me.

Carlos’ training had been brutal, unforgiving, and I had the scars to prove that I hadn’t been the best student. However, the experience had been one of the best in my life. He’d taught me much more than about weaponry and explosives, combat fighting and several martial art forms. He’d also taught me sophistication where up to that point, I’d been little more than a thug.

I’d even been with gangs, acting as if I was one bad ass. Carlos had put me in my place in the first few days, keeping me in squalor until I earned the right to even eat at a table. He’d taught me about jewels and wine, fine foods and cigars. I’d become a man in those few months, completely changed when I’d returned to Kentucky.

It had been the single time my father had patted me on the back after observing me for two days. Then he’d said he was proud of me. That had never happened again, but I’d seen it in his eyes every time we’d talked.

I considered Carlos a second father, someone I trusted and respected. The fact he kept his fingers in every situation had proven helpful more than one.

Carlos was waiting for me in what he liked to call his man cave. It was a beautiful, highly secure patio area where he felt comfortable talking. Music was playing from the speakers, specifically designed to mask every listening device out there. That’s something else he’d spent quality time training me in. I knew about security systems, surveillance techniques, and had been taught to hack even the most secure computer systems. If only people understood how powerful he truly was.
